RePower your past, transform your present
and create a new future.


You’ve achieved, you’ve pushed yourself to overcome obstacles, prejudice and traumas, and you have succeeded. 
But it has come at a cost – exhaustion, frustration, burnout even. 
Your success hasn’t brought the joy and fulfilment you hoped. 
Instead it feels like a constant treadmill, and there is always another obstacle to get through.  

I know what it’s like!

There’s a reason why you’re stuck in this draining energy, despite all your efforts – your power has literally been drained! 
I invite you to stop that power drain, and allow your phenomenal divine feminine power to reawaken and
express itself fully in your life.



  • A self-assuredness that’s way beyond mere confidence. Imposter syndrome and doubting yourself and your abilities replaced with the knowing of who YOU are – a magical woman of power.  Other people’s approval, judgement or criticism as irrelevant as water off a duck’s back.
  • Relaxing into receiving and allowing the brilliance of life to unfold around you, instead of constantly pushing yourself, striving for an unattainable perfection.  Pressure replaced with joy and fulfilment beyond anything you imagined. 
  • Awakening a deep connection with yourself, free from patriarchal sabotage, expectations or the need to be acceptable to other people’s standards.  No more holding back or self-censorship – just freedom to be yourself.
  • Relationships with men transformed as you weave new power dynamics, and feel safe shining your unique feminine energy.  Old toxic situations shifted into harmony, and personal relationships reaching new levels of intimacy and fulfilment.
  • Discovering new levels of intuition and sensitivity that enhance everything you do.
  • Embrace new levels of impact, authority and visibility with a profound confidence, ‘putting yourself out there’ no longer a nightmare or a necessary evil, but something that feels rewarding and safe. 
  • Freedom from old traumas and abuses that have been draining your power and undermining you, despite your success.
  • Finding your true voice to and feel safe speaking up and getting your message out, with anyone, in any situation, 

I have been working with Anne one to one for the last three months.

Wow what an experience this continues to be!

Anne and I have tapped into many of my blocks and beliefs and past traumas which have held me back.

We have worked together to make sense of the impact these have had in my life and have been able to release many old patterns. This has enabled me to move in the direction I have wanted my life to take for some time now without the fears and beliefs that have kept me stuck.

My confidence levels and self belief are at an all time high. When I come across negativity I have the tools to work through these without getting sucked into old ways.

Anne is truly a healer. A true inspiration. She has come into my life at a time when I needed her most.

Thank you.


Anne you were amazing! Just knowing that you were there if I needed you made the biggest difference to me. It created a comfort blanket for me to deal with some of the biggest and scariest things I have had to face and deal with. So, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!

I have stepped into a whole new energy. I have loved discovering myself as a brand new person every day and knowing that I am raising my vibration and therefore the vibration of my life. My whole energy and future feels brighter, lighter and so much more fun to be in. I truly feel honoured and blessed to be living into the life that I am now living into.

I went from living in constant fear and anxiety, drinking regularly, eating unhealthily and just feeling like I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown to living with less anxiety, knowing my worth and value and feeling like I have a choice and a say in the matter. I no longer put myself into situations that don’t align with who I am and that stress me out.

“All areas of my life have taken
the most incredible U-turn”



Held by me in our alchemical container, it becomes not only safe, but profoundly rewarding to embrace your shadow, and awaken divine powers you never realised you had.  Together we go deep into your past, your heritage, and your body.  We re-power and transform your power-drain experiences on the quantum, energetic level.  Enhanced by deep healing sessions from me, you rebuild your life’s power foundation and weave a new dynamic in your life and relationships.

This is a bespoke process, especially created for your needs and desires.  It’s not coaching, it’s not mindset and it’s not beliefwork.  This is a unique re-powering journey which completely shifts the energy and frequency of your life.  

This process is deep and intimate, so the number of clients I accept at any time is limited.

After working with Anne, I was not only able to fill my Signature Speech Programme but I appeared on the stage in Los Angeles with a Transformational Comedy gig, gaining a standing ovation, lead a year long speaking mentorship, and start my own web-show.

I heartily recommend working with Anne if you want to get rid of the invisible bounds that truly hold women back, especially if you have a message you want to share, need to get visible to be effective, and want to define success your way – in fact, you owe it to yourself to release  more of your own power.

Melanie Gow
Professional Speaker, Business Coach and Legend Maker


Anne Whitehouse, PhD FRSA, is a leading expert in Female Power, a Success Healer for mission-driven women and best-selling author of Pull Back Your Power.

A former scientific engineer, the restriction of being expected to fit into a misaligned and male dominated environment was a drastic contrast to her feminine energy, and operating in that patriarchal set up led her to spiral into a spectacular burnout 25 years ago; a damaging pattern experienced by many successful, visionary women.

Dr Anne spent the next two decades unravelling and shining a light on the hidden power dynamic that continues to undermine women. She developed a groundbreaking, revolutionary solution The RePower®.

The RePower® is a ground-breaking integration of Dr Anne’s worlds of scientific analysis, subconscious reprogramming and priestess-led energy work.  As a unique thought leader, her fascinating and powerful methodology helps women awaken and activate their truthful and divine feminine power and  break free from the limiting heritage that causes visibility fear, gender confidence gap, imposter syndrome.

Her innovative and  energy-led techniques put women back in control of their power, teach them how to feel genuinely safe, cease self-censorship, help them to hold authority and surpass limits so that they can shine instead of shrink.  The result – more joy and fulfilment than you can possibly imagine.

Anne has helped hundreds of women across the globe to fulfil their true ambition and mission with her unique and dramatically different RePower Alchemy.



  • You’re no longer prepared to play it small, in any area of your life.
  • You yearn to connect profoundly within yourself and access your ancestral wisdom and divine feminine power as never before.
  • You aren’t afraid to do the deep work, and move through resistance to reach your goal.
  • You’re ready and able to invest in yourself, financially and with your time and energy.
  • You’re comfortable with the idea of subtle energies, quantum healing, and the fact that YOU can access this world.
  • You are ready for more impact, more visibility and more joy.  When you restore your true power, these things are inevitable.
  • You are looking for a highly skilled and experienced healer and mentor to guide you, and hold the space as you create enormous transformation in your life.
  • You take full responsibility for your life and your creations.  This process is a co-creation in partnership.


  • You’re looking for a quick fix – there’s no such thing if you want the real results.
  • You just want to sit back and expect to experience the changes in your life.
  • You don’t take action and aren’t consistent in applying your new skills.
  • You don’t have the resources to invest in yourself to this degree yet.
  • You don’t want to think outside the box, and believe that the three dimensional solid world is all there is.

I signed up with Anne 15 years after the attack.  I had thought I’d put the rape behind me, but the truth is I’d just suppressed it.  I’d started my own business, employing over twenty people, and was pretty successful I thought, but then my stress began to skyrocket.  I began to suffer terrible panic attacks, migraines, nausea and dizziness.  Some days I couldn’t get out of the house because of the anxiety.  My work began to suffer and I knew I had to do something.  After the first intensive session with Anne I felt as if a huge weight had lifted from me. After this we addressed my feelings of anger and resentment about the attack. I had thought I’d never be able to let these things go, but I found a new understanding and have been able to.  My physical symptoms have subsided dramatically.  I feel relaxed and my sleeping is better.  I’m now back at work and ready to take my business to the next level.  I’m so grateful I invested in myself with Anne.


I wanted to regain my confidence and control over my life both personally and professionally. I wanted to have the courage to be me without fear of retribution/criticism.

I wanted to feel that I have the right to be successful in a male oriented profession.

I found the whole experience transformational and inspirational. Anne’s teaching approach showed her depth of knowledge and her passion for the subject and she exuded calm and confidence.

All the skills I have learned will take practice but I can see changes in my thought process and my reactions to difficult situations already. I feel that I can and will be able to cope with situations that have been causing me considerable stress up till now.

I will use the skills I’ve learned for the rest of my life and I would say that this investment for any woman is a must.  I am sure that I will continue my journey with Anne on another programme in the very near future.





3 or 6 month bespoke Power Alchemy with Dr Anne

Weekly calls on Zoom which will include quantum energy healing,
exclusive Re-Power®  healing, subconscious upgrades and activations.

Messenger or Whatsapp support throughout our time together, including any of my
exclusive recorded healings that are relevant to your individual transformation.

BONUS – full access to my Power Vault library of over 60 recorded healings and masterclasses,
for the duration of your programme

6 month plan investment  £8500

3 month plan £4500

Instalment plans available on request

“I felt so heard, and could feel sticky webs of bindings and
past live agreements and contracts dissolving
in a way that made so much sense to me.”

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