It’s time to transcend the boys’ club!
Pull Back Your Power
“Magical and
Utterly Compelling”

“Pull Back Your Power is exciting, riveting reading. With brilliantly clear guidance and an engaging style that will have you hooked from the first page. It sets out precise and empowering steps for any woman who has been through the bewildering experience of being held back, blocked or thwarted in any aspect of her life or career.”
Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve felt invisible?
Have you ever found yourself expected to serve tea, in a room where you are actually ‘the expert’?
Did you believe that if you got an education and worked hard you could fulfil your potential, only to find yourself undermined by low confidence, anxiety, exhaustion, struggle, imposter syndrome and glass ceilings?
You are not alone. Many women have experienced this. And there was nothing they could do about it.
Through a ground-breaking revelation of what is really holding women back, Pull Back Your Power offers aspirational women a release from the restraints that block success, so they can banish self-doubt, defeat the unconscious bias, and shine effortlessly.
Read this book and learn how to:
- Pull back your power in any situation, reducing anxiety and skyrocketing your confidence
- Understand Female History Syndrome – and how it could be holding you back
- Overcome blocks and glass ceilings, to be free of old limitations and gender conditioning
- Magnify your power, so you can effortlessly deal with
confrontation, harassment and stressful situations - Thrive and succeed in the ‘Boys’ Club’

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Here are a small selection of my Amazon reviews.
For every female on a journey to self-empowerment
What a fantastic read! The author goes above and beyond explaining and guiding women through a journey that can truly make females feel empowered within themselves!
Growing up I was always lead to believe I was capable and allowed to do and be whatever I wanted, but as I get older this has felt like more and more of a struggle! This book explains the subconscious reasoning behind what is actually going on and the things we are not aware of and what is actually holding us back and how to get through it or “Pull back your Power”.
Easy to follow, I skim read the book initially and everything I read made so much sense, making me wonder why no one has discovered this sooner? However, as explained in the book that this is the authors own experience and what she had discovered through self practice and tested on others!
Get the word out to all your female friends and family as this book will really be an eye opener for all types of women!
I purchased another 4 to gift at Christmas!
Every woman needs to buy and read this book!
I wish this book was available 23 years ago, when I re-entered the job market after a break to work overseas and have a family. I realise now that even though I was an accountant more highly qualified than my male boss, and the male owner of the company, so many decisions were made over my head that made my working conditions untenable. So many light bulbs have gone off in my head reading this wonderful book.
If I could give it 10 stars I would. Happily I took a sideways step in my career into higher education, which suited my personality much better. I can’t tell you how happy I am now I realise that it was the patriarchal system that was broken and not me.
Thank you so much Dr Anne Whitehouse for this groundbreaking study. Also, there is much bonus material available online which extends the usefulness of the book. It is a goldmine for every woman, and for every parent of daughters.
In a word – WOW!!
I cannot believe I have finally come across the missing information I have been searching for, after so many years – I am so amazed by this book that I simply had to share how I felt about it:
This book explained to me the reasons I kept getting stuck when trying to move forward, and that there is something missing which is why some women have so much struggle, stress etc. I was shocked to read about the missing power foundation and how deeply it affects women. I found myself soaking up what the author was explaining like a sponge; it just made too much sense.
I love how the book explains such an important issue that we all face every day in such a charming and easy to understand story and at the same time goes into the explanation of how to address the issue in a scientific and methodical way.
I believe this is a must read for every woman, because as I started thinking about the women I know personally, and how some of them are being held back in various ways and situations, the Female History Syndrome seemed to ring true for them as well, regardless of where they are at in life. I’m excited to share this new information with all the women I know.
A must-read for women in STEM and Business
This book has truly changed my life and the lens through which I view myself, relationships and the world of work.
Anne Whitehouse has put it into words the experience I had been going though first as an engineer, then as a successful women earning on par with my husband, and then in business. It has helped me re-write the script of my life with a greater truth and reality. This book enlightened me on the cause of my experiences, helped me see what was really going on, and provided me with the tools to transform my personal power. Within days I have been doing things differently, and people are responding differently to me because my energy has shifted. I have an internal sense of connection with my personal power, and how to hold on to it even in the most challenging situations.
This book is a true gift and I really believe everyone, men included, would benefit from reading it. Thank you Anne for putting forward the words to describe my experiences in work and relationships, and for the wisdom to help people understand and resolve this split from our true nature and highest potential.
An absolute must-read for high-achieving women!
Anne has an incredible way of explaining why your subconscious programming is holding you back – from the stories you tell yourself, the beliefs you hold, to the patriarchy and social norms you live by.
This is not a book full of surface level tips and advice. Anne’s experience and expertise is grounded in decades of academic and scientific research as well as practical and personal experience. Coming across as warm, caring and authentic, Anne has gone to the deepest levels of human conditioning on her mission to empower women and help them to achieve their full potential…their own fairy tale!
A truly inspiring read, thank you x
All professional women should read
Dr Anne Whitehouse’s explanation on the role the subconscious plays is one all professional women need to read, it seemed so obvious after understanding how it affects us but I have not seen it presented in this way before. The book is an engaging read, broken up into to easily digestible takeaways. Highly recommend!
This book so revealing that I read it straight in 2 days! It is clear and eloquently written, and it helped me understand what is holding us women back, and more importantly, what we can do to change that and enjoy our lives and achievements fully.
It includes very easy and practical tools to shift and help us transform. I have been doing the meditations every day and have already experienced differences in myself. They are also quick and relaxing.
This book will definitely continue to reach, inspire and transform a million women and more!! I will recommend it to all the wonderful women I know and I look forward to joining this community of special women ready to change the world.
Thank you Dr Anne Whitehouse for bringing joy, hope, excitement and peace with your amazing book.
A new way to feel empowered and confident!
Pull Back Your Power is a very readable, compelling, warm and positive book. The author provides a remarkably frank and honest account of her own journey and struggles, coupled with 20 years of evidence-based scientific research and working with clients, to reach her conclusions. She shows all women how to master our subconscious limitations of ‘female history syndrome’ and achieve our full potential.
It contains much food for thought even if, like me you are not a top academic, highly ambitious or find yourself in a male work environment. Straight-talking and clear text is interspersed with delightful drawings (by the author) to help cement key points.
I loved the use of Grace’s journey, a fairy tale introduction to each chapter but one that packs quite a punch. There is a bit of Grace in all of us. Do read this book. It may well change your life but will certainly get you thinking!
Dynamite wrapped in pink!
This book is an absolute delight. Anne takes the reader on a straightforward, joyful journey straight to the place where a good portion of half the human race lost their power aeons ago – without even realising we had done so. She shows us the real source of the problem that women have faced in every workplace and every aspect of life, and in six solid principles she demonstrates the solution. As a scientist, this sturdy pioneer bases her tried and tested system on long years of research and a wide roster of clients.
Every woman will benefit from reading this book – but it will be helpful too for any man who wants to support his daughter, his sister, his mother, his wife.
These pages are quiet dynamite wrapped in pink. Buy one for yourself and another for a friend.
Required reading for everyone
Pull Back Your Power should be on the national curriculum. It is essential reading and a game changer for so many women who have struggled to find confidence and understand why they may not be making the progress they deserve – despite working hard!
It is brilliantly written, easy to follow, and a must read for anyone who needs to recharge their empowerment settings and make sense of where they are now and why.
Highly recommended!
Love this book!
Extraordinary, magical book giving a powerful insight into why women’s power can be sapped and zapped and what to do about it. Loved this book.
“I will use the skills I’ve learnt for
the rest of my life!”
About the Author
Dr Anne Whitehouse is a PhD scientist turned life alchemist and confidence expert. Anne studied at Jesus College, Cambridge University, graduating a scholar and multiple prize-winner with a first class honours. She won the 1990 Royal Charter Prize awarded by the Institute of Metals, then went on to gain a PhD in metallurgy and a post-doctoral research fellowship. By 1996 she was a high-flying University Lecturer in engineering.
In this environment, she came up against the ‘Boys’ Club’ and suffered stress, anxiety and burnout. She then embarked on a quest to understand what had caused her extreme reaction in a career for which she was eminently qualified.
After 20 years of research Anne developed a six-key, ground-breaking code for women to break free of the hidden subconscious restraints that sabotage their wellbeing and block success, despite the freedoms of the 21st century. This life-changing process is described in her impactful best-selling book, Pull Back Your Power.