Deep Restful Sleep £47
This deep, relaxing 60-minute meditation is designed to work deep in your mind and body, releasing the deep-seated stress, worries and fears. Put the recording on in bed and allow yourself to be healed into a restful night of delicious sleep. Powerful energies will work within your subconscious mind and the cells of your body to clear the roots of your stress and preventing you from sleeping. Finally, beautiful high frequencies of love and compassion flow into your mind and body.
Calm & Confident £47
This deep, relaxing 60-minute meditation is designed to work deep in your mind and body, releasing the deep-seated stress, worries and fears. Put the recording on in bed and allow stresses about the future event to be gently released as you fall asleep. In particular, this meditation focuses on releasing past experiences and creates positive energy so you can be relaxed for a future interview, performance, exam or other stressful situation.
RePower From Trauma £47
This energy healing lifts the old sabotaging stories and traumas from your cells – literally clearing the cellular memory. This frees you from those old patterns and allows your vibration to rise and so more abundance, positive energies and love can come into your life. This healing is deeply restorative and brings love and compassion into your mind and body. This is complementary to any therapy or treatment you are receiving and does not replace seeing your doctor.
Deep Heart Healing £33
This powerful energy healing helps you to clear pain, shock and trauma from your heart. It magnifies the loving heart energy and takes you through the process of magnifying it to heal your body, mind and energy field. Deeply relaxing, this healing holds the space for you to relax and regenerate. This healing complements any treatment or therapy you may be receiving, and does not replace consulting your doctor.
Divine Feminine Attunement £66
This energetic attunement works with your energy field to bring in the beautiful frequencies of that Divine Feminine. The benefits? A stillness that allows you to BE, to ALLOW and to RECEIVE. In fact it’s an antidote to the modern day frazzle! As the Divine Feminine awakens we have the ultimate expression of mystery – the female face of the Divine. Once you’ve received the attunement, you can reconnect to these frequencies at any time – whenever you need it.
When you purchase a recorded meditation, programme, course, masterclass or healing, you will be invited to join my private support Facebook group,
where you are able to ask me questions and receive support. For technical support contact hello ‘at’ feminineconfidence.com.
Refunds are not offered for downloaded materials. Check Ts & Cs for full details.