The Gateway Mystery School
Patriarchy Detox Mastermind
Visionary women, detoxing from Patriarchy,
and igniting their sacred Power, Purpose, Mission and Magic.
with Dr Anne Whitehouse
The Patriarchy Detox Expert
Dr Anne Whitehouse
The Patriarchy Detox Expert
Coming Soon – join the waiting list now and unlock a special offer.

‘Empowerment is not just belief in yourself.
It is having the power to create and sustain the changes you desire.
The world we have inherited was created by warped and traumatised power. The feminine was suppressed, and the masculine was oppressive.
Nobody alive is to blame for what we’ve inherited, but we cannot create from this place. Instead we must all restore our forgotten magnificence by making our power whole again.
My gift is to find and heal the power drains in your past, re-ignite your divine masculine and feminine, free of trauma, violation and patriarchy, giving you the freedom and safety to bring your unique brilliance and voice to the world.
This is the new consciousness.
I invite you to be a pioneer of the new, and heal your power.”
Anne x

Dr Anne Whitehouse FRSA
The Patriarchy Detox Expert
Author, Speaker, Sacred Feminine Initiator

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the chance
to let go of so much, and move forward in a new and better way.“

Detox from Patriarchy!
Free Empowerment Meditation & Detox from Patriarchy workbook and free access to The Gateway.
Discover just how much Patriarchy is blocking your visibility, ramping up your stress, and sabotaging your life with my Detox from Patriarchy workbook, and start the journey of freedom with my Connect to Your Highest Potential deep healing meditation when you join the movement to create a Post-Patriarchal world.
“My confidence levels and self belief are at an all time high.
When I come across negativity I have the tools to work through these
without getting sucked into old ways.“
Bestselling book, ‘Pull Back Your Power’ takes you on a journey through The Six Keys of Female Empowerment – discovered through my personal experiences as a high-achieving female who suffered disempowerment by the patriarchy. This is the secret of freedom from patriarchy and disempowerment by men – which opens the door to your true power.
What a fantastic read! The author goes above and beyond explaining and guiding women through a journey that can truly make females feel empowered within themselves!
Easy to follow, I skim read the book initially and everything I read made so much sense, making me wonder why no one has discovered this sooner?
I wish this book was available 23 years ago, when I re-entered the job market. So many light bulbs have gone off in my head reading this wonderful book.
If I could give it 10 stars I would. I can’t tell you how happy I am now I realise that it was the patriarchal system that was broken and not me.
Thank you so much Dr Anne Whitehouse for this groundbreaking study. It is a goldmine for every woman, and for every parent of daughters.
I cannot believe I have finally come across the missing information I have been searching for, after so many years – I am so amazed by this book that I simply had to share how I felt about it:
This book explained to me the reasons I kept getting stuck when trying to move forward. I found myself soaking up what the author was explaining like a sponge; it just made so much sense.
I love how the book explains such an important issue that we all face every day in such a charming and easy to understand story. I believe this is a must read for every woman.
This book has truly changed my life and the lens through which I view myself, relationships and the world of work.
Anne Whitehouse has put it into words the experience I had been going though first as an engineer, then as a successful women earning on par with my husband, and then in business. It has helped me re-write the script of my life with a greater truth and reality. This book provided me with the tools to transform my personal power. Within days I have been doing things differently, and people are responding differently to me because my energy has shifted.
This book is a true gift and I really believe everyone, men included, would benefit from reading it. Thank you Anne for putting forward the words to describe my experiences in work and relationships, and for the wisdom to help people understand and resolve this split from our true nature and highest potential.
If you have ever doubted yourself, your confidence or your self-worth and wondered why you’re not living the life you always dreamed about, despite knowing you are more than capable, then this is 100% the book for you.
Anne has an incredible way of explaining why your subconscious programming is holding you back – from the stories you tell yourself, the beliefs you hold, to the patriarchy and social norms you live by.
Coming across as warm, caring and authentic, Anne has gone to the deepest levels of human conditioning on her mission to empower women and help them to achieve their full potential…their own fairy tale!
A truly inspiring read, thank you x
Dr Anne Whitehouse’s explanation on the role the subconscious plays is one all professional women need to read, it seemed so obvious after understanding how it affects us but I have not seen it presented in this way before. The book is an engaging read, broken up into to easily digestible takeaways. Highly recommend!
This book so revealing that I read it straight in 2 days! It is clear and eloquently written, and it helped me understand what is holding us women back, and more importantly, what we can do to change that and enjoy our lives and achievements fully.
It includes very easy and practical tools to shift and help us transform.
This book will definitely continue to reach, inspire and transform a million women and more!! Thank you Dr Anne Whitehouse for bringing joy, hope, excitement and peace with your amazing book.
“I will use the skills I’ve learnt for
the rest of my life!”

I invite you on a journey to heal your power on the deepest level,
& transform your world.

Are you ready to detox from Patriarchy,
reclaim your Sacred Feminine and embody your highest mission in the world?
I invite you to free yourself from trauma and negative conditioning
in my sacred healing community, and step into the life you truly desire.
“Anne has been incredible, her amazing energy skills combined with her
genuine kind and caring nature has been transformational.”

VIP Programme
Bespoke 3-Month One to One,
A profound journey to alchemise your traumatic experiences into brilliance.
(by application)
“I can change how I react in any situation with some very effective techniques that Anne has taught me. The possibilities are endless.”

What is ‘The RePower’?
It isn’t mindset.
It isn’t belief change.
It isn’t coaching.
This is where you reclaim the power of your ancient ancestors, transcending patriarchy, and embracing profound freedom to shine, succeed, love and receive. Here you will transform your relationship with men, power and your past.
Free yourself from your past negative experiences, the sabotage of expectation, trauma and heritage, and bringing profound resilience to hold your power – anywhere, with anyone.
Blocks and obstacles fall away, revealing flow and fulfilment. You experience a deep connection with yourself and your value, free of past traumas, imposter syndrome, people-pleasing or the expectations of others.
The limitations of your heritage, family or history release, leaving you free to start living your full light and purpose.

When you are RePowered, you will…
Expand your authority, visibility and impact, and feel safe.
Feel supremely confident in situations that used to stress you out.
Sail through limits instead of getting stuck.
Get promotions and pay rises without it triggering your husband or partner.
Hold your power with confrontational people.
Regain your power after sexual harassment or abuse.
Transform your relationships with men from competition or power-struggles into loving, harmonious partnership.
Speak up powerfully and get heard.
Feel safe and poised in the spotlight.
Unlock new levels of wisdom, intuition and razor-sharp clarity.
No more imposter syndrome or visibility fears.

Achieve your highest mission and bring your gifts to the world!
“I now find that I can speak easily and I feel competent and no longer stressed.
It’s been absolutely life-changing for me.”
After the first intensive session with Anne I felt as if a huge weight had lifted from me. I had thought I’d never be able to let these things go, but I found a new understanding and have been able to.
My stress symptoms have subsided dramatically. I’m so grateful I invested in myself with Anne.
Anne has been incredible, her amazing energy skills combined with her genuine kind and caring nature has been transformational.
I am using Anne’s power skills on a daily basis and feel a lot more in control in situations that previously had the potential to drain me. I’m finally reclaiming and holding my power. Thank you for a wonderful experience Anne.
I’d struggled with confidence my whole life. I’m a lawyer and need to talk to clients on a daily basis. I found it so frustrating and agonising – my stress levels were sky high and it was beginning to really affect my health.
Anne helped me release the trauma and fear from my childhood, and I don’t know how it happened, but it really shifted something deep inside me.
I now find that I can speak easily and I feel competent and no longer stressed. It’s been absolutely life-changing for me.
Since working with Anne, I have experienced a long-lasting shift in my life vision, been able to address unbalanced relationships and behaviour, and step out into a more influential role than I had ever envisaged.
More women should step into their power with Anne’s help.
This morning, I had an AMAZING session with the incredibly intuitive Dr. Anne Whitehouse and I couldn’t recommend it more highly.
Not only did she TOTALLY get my struggle, but she was able to go back lifetimes for me, FIND the sources of the issues, and clear them to prevent them from hobbling me in THIS lifetime.
I felt SO heard, and could feel sticky webs of bindings and past life agreements and contracts dissolving in a way that made so much sense to me.
If you’re blocked in a way that makes no sense to you, or are struggling under weight and baggage that seem too big for you to address and release by yourself I HIGHLY encourage you to get in touch with Anne.
After working with Anne, I was not only able to fill my Signature Speech Programme but I appeared on the stage in Los Angeles with a Transformational Comedy gig, lead a year long speaking mentorship, and start my own web-show.
I heartily recommend working with Anne if you want to get rid of the invisible bounds that truly hold women back, especially if you have a message you want to share, need to get visible to be effective, and want to define success your way.
“If I look back at my life now, from when I first had a session with Anne,
people would not believe I am the same person.”
To explore how your situation can be transformed with my help, schedule a 30 minute deep-dive complementary call.

“Anne’s teaching is brilliant and effective!”
Elizabeth L.
“An incredibly life-changing experience!”
So I’ve asked Anne to come speak at two of my events now – why…?
Well there are a few reasons why
1. Anne REALLY knows her stuff! She literally lives and breaths her message
2. What she knows is powerful and EVERY WOMAN needs this understanding
3. Anne wants to change the world as do I, that makes partnering with her not just enjoyable but mission driven and purposeful.
I wholeheartedly recommend Dr Anne Whitehouse as a presenter of world changing ideas that help women heal, pull back their power and lead important meaningful change.
Dr Whitehouse was a guest speaker for Accelerated Global Connections, a National Networking organisation in the USA.
The feedback from our audience was exceptional. Her vibrant speaking style, genuine passion for her topic, and the care she took to provide value to our audience was evident throughout her presentation. She was engaging, and thought-provoking all while showing pathways to moving ahead in life and business.
In my book, she is an A+ presenter! I highly recommend Dr. Anne as a keynote speaker for any corporate or business event!
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