Heal your relationship with Men, Power & Money!
Free yourself from patriarchy!



Healing membership for spiritual women.

£243 per year or £27 per month

Are you bullied, harassed or dismissed by men in the workplace?

Do you feel insecure with your romantic partner, or find yourself stuck in the same repetitive relationships that don’t give you what you need? 

Do you dread confrontation and are stress and anxiety your constant companions?

Do men in your family try to control you and limit your choices?

Are you afraid to be truly visible online in your business, and hold back instead of fulfilling your mission?

These issues are all a result of the conditioning of patriarchy.

It’s time to reclaim your power and change your life.

Undermined at work…

When you struggle to gain the respect and recognition you deserve at work, you feel frustrated and lose confidence in yourself and your abilities.

You start to question whether you’re good enough, and the loss of joy in what you once loved makes your dream career feel like nothing more than an exhausting toxic battle.

You’re made to feel inferior and invisible when male or domineering colleagues dismiss you, interrupt you and then take credit for your ideas.

Instead of being respected for your expertise, it’s assumed you will do menial tasks, because you’re a woman.

The consistent undermining chips away at your confidence, and you hold back from self-promotion while witnessing louder, less talented people advance.

Add to this any experiences of harassment, and this only serves to exacerbate your levels of anxiety and stress with male colleagues. 


Insecure in love…

In your personal life, you yearn for more commitment and intimacy than your partner is willing to give. Instead of feeling deliciously safe and held by the man you love, you just feel insecure, unloved and unappreciated.

 Unreciprocated and constant over-giving reduces your self-worth and confidence as a woman.

Instead of making you feel loved and adored, you feel under-valued, not good enough and fearful that he might leave you. 

You feel scared to speak up about how you feel and you tolerate his behaviour, keeping you stuck in repeating patterns, knowing you deserve better but not knowing how to break the cycle.

Patriarchal conditioning…

Growing up in a patriarchal family or culture results in the males in your family holding authority over you, your career choices and whom you love. You know you are entitled to freedom and choice, but your heritage drags you back.  You know the men have no legitimate authority over you, but they behave as if they do – just because they have a ‘Y’ chromosome!

Perfectionism, never feeling good enough no matter how much you achieve, pushing yourself until you burn out or having to prove yourself, are often the result of having had a relationship with your father. The legacy of your childhood can leave you, as an adult, still feeling as if you’re walking on eggshells – needing to be invisible, never voice an opinion or leave a footprint.  This holds you back from embodying your full brilliance as a powerful woman.

Fear of being visible…

Or you have a business or a mission to get out into the world, and you know you need to get out online to reach a wider audience.

But the mere thought of posting, going live, promoting your work and being visible as a powerful woman, fills you with anxiety and fear. 

The result – you hold back, unable to overcome the fear, and you end up playing to small instead of stepping into the limelight and fulfilling your potential.

You feel so passionate about your mission, but you just can’t take the actions you know are necessary to realise the success and financial gains you desire. 

Lack of money power…

You need to be in control of your money to be free, independent, fuel your mission in life, to have fun and choice.  But like many women, you may feel that talking about money, or requesting a pay rise is distasteful.  Or you feel guilty or ashamed about having it, earning it or being worth it.  Maybe just thinking about your accounts gives you brain fog! 

This isn’t your fault! It’s the result of centuries of conditioning that make it hard for women to hold money power.

Healing your relationship with money is a game-changer! 

Suppressing Your Voice

You want to live your truth, expressing yourself, standing up for others, getting your message out. 

But instead, confrontations and the criticism of others feel like attacks. You get anxious before important conversations, you get stressed making phone-calls and you dread any interaction with ‘authority’ in any form.

Important speaking events, like presentations and interviews send your stress off the scale.

The result – you are holding back because your body just doesn’t feel safe in those situations.

Making it feel safe to speak in your full power will change everything.

Undermined at work…

When you struggle to gain the respect and recognition you deserve at work, you feel frustrated and lose confidence in yourself and your abilities.

You start to question whether you’re good enough, and the loss of joy in what you once loved makes your dream career feel like nothing more than an exhausting toxic battle.

You’re made to feel inferior and invisible when male colleagues dismiss you, interrupt you and then take credit for your ideas.

Instead of being respected for your expertise, it’s assumed you will do menial tasks, because you’re a woman.

The consistent undermining chips away at your confidence, and you hold back from self-promotion while witnessing louder, less talented people advance.

Add to this any experiences of harassment, and this only serves to exacerbate your levels of anxiety and stress with male colleagues. 


Insecure in love…

In your personal life, you yearn for more commitment and intimacy than your partner is willing to give. Instead of feeling deliciously safe and held by the man you love, you just feel insecure, unloved and unappreciated.

 Unreciprocated and constant over-giving reduces your self-worth and confidence as a woman.

Instead of making you feel loved and adored, you feel under-valued, not good enough and fearful that he might leave you. 

You feel scared to speak up about how you feel and you tolerate his behaviour, keeping you stuck in repeating patterns, knowing you deserve better but not knowing how to break the cycle.

Patriarchal conditioning…

Growing up in a patriarchal family or culture results in the males in your family holding authority over you, your career choices and whom you love. You know you are entitled to freedom and choice, but your heritage drags you back.  You know the men have no legitimate authority over you, but they behave as if they do – just because they have a ‘Y’ chromosome!

Perfectionism, never feeling good enough no matter how much you achieve, pushing yourself until you burn out or having to prove yourself, are often the result of having had a relationship with your father. The legacy of your childhood can leave you, as an adult, still feeling as if you’re walking on eggshells – needing to be invisible, never voice an opinion or leave a footprint.  This holds you back from embodying your full brilliance as a powerful woman.

Fear of being visible…

Or you have a business or a mission to get out into the world, and you know you need to get out online to reach a wider audience.

But the mere thought of posting, going live, promoting your work and being visible as a powerful woman, fills you with anxiety and fear. 

The result – you hold back, unable to overcome the fear, and you end up playing to small instead of stepping into the limelight and fulfilling your potential.

You feel so passionate about your mission, but you just can’t take the actions you know are necessary to realise the success and financial gains you desire. 

Lack of money power…

You need to be in control of your money to be free, independent, fuel your mission in life, to have fun and choice.  But like many women, you may feel that talking about money, or requesting a pay rise is distasteful.  Or you feel guilty or ashamed about having it, earning it or being worth it.  Maybe just thinking about your accounts gives you brain fog! 

This isn’t your fault! It’s the result of centuries of conditioning that make it hard for women to hold money power.

Healing your relationship with money is a game-changer! 

Suppressing Your Voice

You want to live your truth, expressing yourself, standing up for others, getting your message out. 

But instead, confrontations and the criticism of others feel like attacks. You get anxious before important conversations, you get stressed making phone-calls and you dread any interaction with ‘authority’ in any form.

Important speaking events, like presentations and interviews send your stress off the scale.

The result – you are holding back because your body just doesn’t feel safe in those situations.

Making it feel safe to speak in your full power will change everything.

My self-confidence has grown, this has enabled me to take steps
towards fulfilling my life’s purpose

When you join the
RePower Sanctuary, you will:

RELEASE THE NEGATIVE CONDITIONING and subconscious programming that keeps you stuck, trapped and disempowered in these situations. 

REPOWER YOUR PAST TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCES and energetically heal that experience so that you can hold your power in the present instead of it draining away in the challenging situations.

RECEIVE TRAUMA ENERGY HEALINGS to dissolve the patterns of trauma from the body so the triggers of the behaviours will no longer fire and you will feel different with a raised vibrational energy create new empowered responses to the same situation and change your behaviours.

HEAL THE POWER DYNAMIC BETWEEN YOU AND MEN so that you can show up differently and inspire different reactions from the men around you.



The RePower Sanctuary has been uniquely created by scientist-turned -healer Dr Anne Whitehouse.

An expert on male and female power dynamics, Anne has researched the structure and impact of the patriarchy and shares her unique methodology of empowerment supported and proven through 20 years of research in the scientific, quantum and healing fields. 

The universal experience of women and their shared heritage of disempowerment relative to men means instead of shining as an individual, your power is drained on the deepest level. 

Holding back, being a ‘good girl’ and supporting others, especially men, results in exhaustion, frustration and self-sabotage. 

The way to free yourself is to reprogramme your subconscious mind, unravel your inherited web of limitation and recreate the power dynamic between you and the world.

Unlike other empowerment programmes, there is no journalling, no mindset work, no affirmations and no ‘homework’.

You simply arrive with intention and an open mind to relax and receive the healings you need. 


Transform yourself in The Power Sanctuary with deeply effective subtle energies, held in a safe, feminine, sacred space.


Join the RePower Sanctuary today.


£243 per year plus bonuses

Get 3 months free!


£27 per month

Minimum 3 months


Live Group Healings
Every Month

Join Anne on a live group call each month for an hour of deep-healing transformation.

with Anne

Learn Anne’s unique RePower techniques and take control of your subconscious responses to life with power masterclasses.

Night Power Pod Healings
Each Month

Receive a night of blissful distance energy healing as you sleep.
(11pm to 7am in your timezone).

Discounts on 1-2-1 Sessions &
Group Programmes With Anne

When you’re ready to go deeper with a group programme or a 1-2-1 session, your membership gives you special discounts, not available to anyone else.

Support & Connection in Our
Private Facebook Community

Connect with other visionary women on the same empowerment journey.  Share your stories and receive support in our private Facebook group.


Over 80 audios, journeys and video teachings for deep subconscious clearings, energy upgrades, delicious healings and power alchemy. 

Intuitively select the healing you need from the categories of relationships, money, emotional mastery, feminine power, healing the past, future re-creation, stress reduction and many more.

Here are a few examples of the healings you get immediate access to.

When you choose Annual Membership option,
you also receive


A Free Electronic Copy of Anne’s Bestselling Book,
Pull Back Your Power

Through a ground-breaking revelation of what is really holding women back, Pull Back Your Power offers aspirational women a release from the restraints that block success, so they can banish self-doubt, defeat the unconscious bias, and shine effortlessly.

It’s time to break out of invisibility and activate your true female brilliance. It’s time to Pull Back Your Power.

 Confidence Power Masterclass
(worth £88)

Harness the power of your mind to:

::Transform your self-belief in any situation.
:: Free yourself from negative experiences and expectations.
:: Feel safe to speak up – even with aggressive or confrontational individuals.
:: Magnify your power at will, whenever you need to be assertive.

:: Take control of your confidence.

It’s not about ‘fake it till you make it’ or ‘change your character’!  Instead, change the way you hold your power with the world and you transform the way you feel.


Divine Feminine Attunement
(Worth £66)

This energetic attunement works with your energy field to bring in the beautiful frequencies of that Divine Feminine.   This gives you a stillness that allows you to BE, to ALLOW and to RECEIVE.  In fact it’s an antidote to the modern day frazzle!  As the Divine Feminine awakens we have the ultimate expression of mystery – beyond master into the expression of the female face of the Divine. This is the female face of mastery, giving birth to a new planet. 

Once you’ve received the attunement, you can reconnect to these frequencies at any time – whenever you need it.

Deep Restful Sleep
(Worth £47)

This relaxing 60-minute meditation is designed to work deep in your mind and body, releasing the deep-seated stress, worries and fears.  Put the recording on in bed and allow yourself to be healed into a restful night of delicious sleep. The sleep healing is in three stages. First gentle energies allow your body and mind to begin to relax and let go. Then more powerful energies will work within your subconscious mind and the cells of your body to clear the old patterns and blocks which have been causing your stress and preventing you from sleeping. Finally, beautiful high frequencies of love and compassion flow into your mind and body.

If you suffer from insomnia, worry, stress or anxiety, then this healing is for you!


I have been a member of RePower Sanctuary for 5 years and always find the healings incredibly transformative, enlightening and supportive.

The beauty of working together as a collective of women allows our energies to share transformations and make huge shifts in a fast, powerful way. 


Access to the Healing Vault is well worth the investment alone! 

Over the past year,  I have most definitely shifted my mindset to a much more empowering one, and I am able to practise the tools I have learnt and they have become second nature to me. 

There isn’t any part of my life that has not benefited from the Power Sanctuary. I finally have the missing key to be able to deal with issues head on, and my life is much more settled.


It feels as if I am rebuilding myself, but with a stronger foundation underneath.
This was a totally alien concept to me initially. The fact I was held back and blocked from achieving what I really wanted because of ancestral energy patterns in my subconscious meant I felt instant change from the healings, especially the ones that dealt with stress or conflict and was more calm and peaceful. 

Making connections from the past is powerful, not only in the healing process, but in being able to break free from old energies and belief systems.


Healing in Anne’s RePower Sanctuary is an extraordinary process of lifting the veil on the unseen blocks, limitations and deep-seated female contracts.

As a healer who had worked with clients for many years helping them in removing emotional blocks, I knew there was something deep inside of me that was stuck. I felt held back by an invisible force and each time I thought I had broken free of it, I was pulled back in again. 

The RePower Sanctuary gave a safe place to evolve and heal in profound ways. Anne’s unique healing process of helping female pull back their power is miraculous.

The Healing Vault is brilliant and my self-confidence has grown, enabling me to move towards fulfilling my life’s purpose.


Anne has helped me shift cultural family blocks and expectations that were holding me back from my true authenticity and freedom.

The Power Sanctuary has helped me to speak my mind more easily and  stand up for myself, especially during conflict. I now have the confidence to manage the conflict in a way that doesn’t  leave me feeling like I was in the wrong or needing to back down.


The RePower Sanctuary has supported me in finding my voice and my power in my family.  I have been able to free myself from deep ancestral and cultural blocks.   And I can now navigate my relationships in a much more empowered way.

When I experience conflicts and challenges now, I understand these things are created by deeply rooted belief systems, and I have the tools to change these things, and get my power back.

The group energy Anne has been created is phenomenal and can only be truly explained when you experience this first hand.

The content covered by Anne is great, her recorded and live healing sessions are absolutely fantastic, I find myself going back to them over and over again.

It’s great to be part of this female empowerment journey.


The RePower Sanctuary has made such a difference to me.  Over the months since I joined, I have found myself more confident, speaking up with my husband and in-laws in a way I never could before. I really feel more empowered. I love the monthly healings, and it’s great that we can have some one to one time  with Anne on our live calls.  I didn’t realise how much I was fighting against in my life before, I just felt so blocked.  All that is now shifting for me. I can’t recommend The RePower Sanctuary highly enough!


What I love about The RePower Sanctuary is that I can access everything through the membership site at any time, when it actually suits me and fits in with my schedule. I work long hours as a solicitor, and as a mother of young children too.
I often feel that I’m up against the status quo of entrenched male power in my career, and it used to feel like such a battle – always such a struggle.  Now that I understand I’ve been trying to succeed without a power foundation, everything now makes sense. It’s great that I now have the tools and support I need to free myself from all that archaic stuff and make my own foundation. I pull back my power often in  my work, and I can feel the power shifting back towards me.  Brilliant!  Every woman who wants to succeed needs this!

I had been working with Anne one to one, but after our sessions finished, I really wanted something more to keep me on track – she suggested The RePower Sanctuary.

Since I joined I have definitely felt the benefits. I am a lot less stressed than I was, and I am feeling very much more powerful in my life. This is particularly evident at work where I need to deal with men a lot and used to struggle to speak up against them, especially in meetings – I am now standing up for myself much more than I used to.

I can really feel myself progressing on my journey to empowerment.  Thank you so much Anne.


I really am so glad that I took the plunge and joined the RePower Sanctuary.  The healings we receive in our live calls and in the Healing Vault feel very powerful, it has really made a difference to my life.  

I really wanted to shift my life and get past some long-standing blocks and limitations in my love-life.  I now find myself telling my husband how I feel, for the first time in years, and our relationship feels much more intimate and loving now.

The RePower Sanctuary evenings are now a highlight for me. It’s great value and it really works.  

Thank you Anne x


“It feels as if I am rebuilding myself,
but with a stronger foundation underneath.”


Dr Anne Whitehouse FRSA
Author, Speaker, Expert on the Patriarchy
& Healer of male/female power dynamics

Anne is the best-selling author of ‘Pull Back Your Power’, a scientist turned healer, specialist in violation trauma, a musician, creative & visionary, thought-leader & founder of the RePower® healing modality.

A former academic engineer, the sexual and psychological violations experienced in a toxic patriarchal environment led to a spiral of stress which culminated in a brutal burnout that ended her career.  After two decades of research and journeying deep into the subtle workings of the mind, she developed a groundbreaking system to reclaim your power on the deepest level of mind and body.

Anne specialises in helping you heal your relationship with men and power – after trauma, violation, toxic environment or patriarchal oppression – making it feel safe to shine without limits, and transforming the very fabric of your world. 

Anne has helped over a thousand people world-wide to reclaim their divine power, through her writing, programmes, subconscious healings and one to one.

This is for you if:

  • You’re tired of all the other superficial stuff that doesn’t go deep enough.
  • You find journalling a bit tedious. 
  • You desire freedom and change with men, money and power NOW.
  • You have a yearning to connect to your own magical feminine power.
  • You’re comfortable with the idea of subtle energies, quantum healing, and the fact that YOU can access this world.
  • You’re sick of spending thousands on programmes that turn out to be superficial.
  • You take full responsibility for your life and your creations, and understand this process is a partnership co-creation.
  • You’re ready for a true empowerment journey. 

This isn’t for you if:

  • You are under 18
  • You have suffered a recent trauma (one to one sessions are more appropriate to help you at this time).
  • You are under the care of a mental health professional.
  • You’re not open to energy healing and 5D work.
  • You aren’t open to change and being uncomfortable while you transform.
  • You aren’t prepared to take new actions in your life.
  • You are seeking healing for a physical condition.
  • You want a quick, instant fix.

Your Investment


£243 per year plus bonuses

Get 3 months free!


£27 per month

Minimum 3 months

Benefits of Membership

  • Transform your confidence at work, so you promote yourself easily and hold your power, even with difficult colleagues.
  • Free yourself from the trauma of old relationships, so you can start afresh without repeating the same old patterns.
  • Break away from patriarchal limitations and roles that stifle your power, your choice and your freedom – so you decide who you are, how you behave and whom you love.
  • Feel safe and confident getting out online.
  • Deal with negative people easily, without feeling attacked.
  • Let go of ‘good girl’ conditioning that keeps you holding back, so you can fly high in any arena you choose.
  • Redefine your relationship with money so you can talk about it, earn it, generate it and hold it with ease. 
  • Have a toolbox of powerful exclusive resources to deal with stress, anger, resentment and pain, so you can sail through daily challenges without them bringing you down or overwhelming you.
  • Be part of a community of like-minded women, all on the journey of true empowerment. 
  • Tap into your full feminine power and discover new levels of your unique magical energy.

Your Questions Answered

Do I have to know anything about subtle energies or the subconscious mind to join The RePower Sanctuary?

Absolutely not!  The techniques and trainings I offer are designed to be powerful and effective for everyone. All you need to do to get the benefit is to relax and listen. You don’t need any training,  you don’t need any special gifts. All you need is the motivation to invest a bit of time in yourself, your wellbeing and your life, PLUS an open mind. 

Is Dr Anne a medical doctor?

No, I am not a medical doctor. I do not diagnose or cure any medical condition.
‘Dr’ is my correct title because I have a higher degree, Doctor of Philosophy. This means that I have spent years doing original scientific research. The analytical skills and scientific approach I developed during those years are what I used to analyse the patterns I found disempowering women’s on the subconscious level. A medical doctor’s degree is completely different.

Are recordings as powerful as live healings?

The recordings direct your own mind to make changes, so you just have to listen to get all the benefit. Similarly, if you miss a live webinar and listen to the recording it is just as powerful as being there at the time.

What if I change my mind?

In order to really feel the benefit in your life, you need to work with the healings for several months.  It’s not possible to release a life-time of negative conditioning in a very short time.  This is why new members are required to stay six months.  After this time, if you wish to leave, just send us an email to cancel your subscription. 

Can I keep all the resources if I leave the membership?

No, you only keep unlimited access to the vault of healings and the resources while you are a member.

Do you give refunds?

No refunds are offered.  Check our full Ts & Cs for full details.

What do you mean by 'healing'?

The term ‘healing’ covers many different techniques, but the word means ‘to make whole’. In The RePower Sanctuary, we are utilising several things – the fact that everything is made of energy and everything is connected, the power of your conscious mind, and the natural energy field of our body. In our group sessions, I facilitate guided and focused visualisations using my life alchemy techniques. In this way, you will be able to change programming within your own mind.  You are in control at all times.

Sign Up & Start
RePowering Your Life Today


£243 per year plus bonuses

Get 3 months free!


£27 per month

Minimum 3 months

I can really feel myself progressing on my journey to empowerment. 
Thank you so much Anne.

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