Cinderella Bootcamp®


Learn empowering techniques to help free yourself from low self-confidence, imposter syndrome and playing it small, see your self-esteem sky-rocket and embrace your feminine power and brilliance as never before.


Cinderella Bootcamp®


Learn effective techniques to help free yourself from low self-confidence, imposter syndrome and playing it small, see your self-esteem sky-rocket and embrace your feminine power and brilliance as never before.

Let  me  tell  you  a  story

Once  upon  a  time…

There was a beautiful eagle that flew too far and landed in the grounds of a King’s Palace in a distant land.

The King exclaimed; “You poor thing, how did you get into this terrible state?”

He trimmed the eagle’s magnificent talons, cut its beak and clipped its wings.

“Now, you look more like a proper bird.”

Do You Desperately Want to Shine, But You Keep Holding Back And You Don’t Know Why?

You know when you see people around you oozing confidence and self-assurance, progressing in their high-powered careers and enjoying true intimacy in their relationships, but you feel trapped in an endless cycle of holding back and feeling not good enough?

You’re talented, intelligent and motivated. You know these facts should give you all the self-confidence and self-esteem you need. So why do you not feel it? You know that you have so much potential but there’s a block inside that keeps pulling you back. 

Are You Missing Out On Life By Deferring To Everyone Else Instead Of Living For You?

Does it feel as if you’re living in an invisible prison? Fitting in with other people, instead of being true to yourself and your dreams for your life? Do you struggle to speak up and engage with people when inside you’d love to put yourself forward? 

Does it feel as if everybody else has authority over you, when in reality they have nothing of the kind?

You are wasting time that will never come again. You’re missing opportunities to live, love, achieve and grow while suppressing your unique genius, voice and power.

Do You Have Big Dreams For Your Life,
But Fears Of Visibility And Standing Out
Sabotage You And Keep You Playing It Small?

You know when you go into a situation you’re qualified for, but when you get there, instead of confidently expressing yourself and putting your ideas forwards, you hold back?

Maybe you know you have a higher purpose, but that means being noticed and standing out. Although there’s nothing officially stopping you, it feels as if you’re in a straitjacket.  You either stay stuck, or every step forwards triggers huge fears and anxiety.

Or maybe you feel it in your personal life…you want to engage spontaneously, express yourself and create true intimacy, but instead you sit on the outside feeling like a wallflower.

If you’re anything like me, this has been the story of your life. An endless cycle of being undermined again and again by lack of confidence, feeling blocked – being treated as if you are hardly there at all, when you are actually be the expert in the room.

It seems ridiculous, but that’s what you feel. It’s beyond frustrating!

What If You Could Just Let Yourself Shine Effortlessly,
In Your Career,
In Your Personal Life And In The World?

There is a way to not only break free of this pattern,
but to empower yourself more than you ever dreamt possible.  
Sound like an impossible dream?  
Let me assure you it isn’t.  
Although if you’d told me that 20 years ago I wouldn’t have believed it myself.

What  if 
you  could feel 
confident  and 
truly   powerful? 

What  if  you  could  feel  confident 
and  truly   powerful? 

I Never Felt Good Enough No Matter What I Achieved

I understand these struggles all too well. Nowadays we’d call it ‘Imposter Syndrome’, but back in 1996 I didn’t know it had a name.  I certainly knew the effects of it though!

With a 1st Class Degree and a PhD from Cambridge, at the age of 27 I became the youngest university lecturer in the UK.
I was set for a glittering scientific career.

I’d always prided myself on succeeding in the male-dominated world of science, while maintaining my femininity. I felt it was important for the few female students in that engineering department to see that they could also succeed and still be feminine.

My plan was good, but there turned out to be a huge personal cost.

I felt like a fish out of water. I never felt confident, I never felt good enough. I felt powerless.

But more than that, I felt absolutely unwelcome. It wasn’t what anyone said or did in particular, it was an undercurrent that said “You shouldn’t be here.”

The default in that environment was male, and I wasn’t male. My natural reactions, the way of interacting and expressing myself just did not fit in. 

I didn’t notice it initially, but over time, its effect on me became stronger and stronger.

I  had  shut  down
my  true  female   power  
to  survive.

My doctor had said to me “Anne you are never going to be able to do this job without it making you ill!”

Stress, panic attacks and insomnia set in. This was closely followed by chronic fatigue and illness, and by 2001 my scientific career was over.

But you know, looking back, that wasn’t the start of it. Truth is, I had spent my whole life pushing myself, yet holding back. Hiding, struggling to speak up and worrying about what everyone thought about me, yet yearning to shine brightly.  Pushing myself to an unattainable perfection and never feeling good enough. It was a disaster waiting to happen.

So, there I was, after everything fell apart, no career, no income, high anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, wrecked health, frustration, unhappiness……Nothing but dismal daytime TV to fill my days. That was what my life had become.

This was the culmination of 30 years of high ambition, undermined by zero power, perfectionism, not feeling good enough and forcing myself to fit into a shape that could never be me.

But I wasn’t prepared to accept that I couldn’t get my life back.

Being a trained scientist I started to experiment. I chose to believe that there was a solution. I was trained to analyse the problem and test and try until I solved it.  And I did solve it!

I  discovered  the  true  cause  of  our  disempowerment.

I Actually Thought There Was Something Wrong With Me

I truly believed I was inadequate in some way.  What other reason could there be for my lack of confidence?

Here’s the truth though, there’s nothing wrong with me and there’s nothing wrong with you.


Truth is we are struggling against the past. We are struggling against what history did to women. We’re battling against the conditioning of our upbringing, the experiences that put us down, the ‘shape’ that women were forced to take on in the world. We are struggling against millennia of restraints imposed by patriarchy.

Why Don’t We Feel The Equality We Supposedly Have?
Why Don’t We Feel Our Value?

As women today, we are born into the bright new world where we are meant to be able to have all the same things as any man. But here’s the problem, this has only been true for a lifetime.

I call it the “Kitchen Maid to University Made Timeline”; I’m the perfect example of this – my grandmother was a kitchen maid and I, in two generations, am a Cambridge University Graduate and Scholar with First Class Honours, a PhD and a Research Fellowship!

In a mere 2 generations, the norm for women in my family has shifted by lightyears in terms of freedom, choice, opportunity, occupation, money – everything!

This change is so enormous, and has happened over so short a time, that society, subconscious attitudes and limits simply haven’t had time to catch up.


1 – We Are Conditioned To Give Our Power Away

Our knee-jerk reaction in life is to give our power away, to go into submission to be safe – this is an ancient evolutionary reaction. Trouble is, this makes us feel vulnerable, it creates blocks, fears and limits us.

More importantly  – once we’ve lost our power, we can’t get it back.

I define power as the ability to create change. Once we’ve given away our power, all we can do is react to the people, situations and institutions that DO have it.

2 – Women Lack A Power Foundation

Think about it this way.  When a man wants to succeed out in the world, have a high-powered career, be a leader, a visionary, every cell in his body tells him it’s within his rights. He’s supported by millennia of law, precedent, attitude, assumption and belief. Society and institutions were created to fit him, for him. 

But what about us? Where the man is supported by history, we as women are undermined by it.

Instead of layers of history reassuring us that we are entitled, our history tells us that our place is in the home, that we must obey, that men are cleverer than women, that we don’t have a say over our children or our money, we need to be demure, downcast, quiet, modest and subservient.  

Obsolete, archaic rubbish – totally!!  – But under the surface  this legacy is still holding us back.

This is the exact opposite of our conscious beliefs, our desires and what we want and deserve today.

In energetic terms we are aware we have rights, that we are entitled to equal opportunity, but under the surface we have old messaging that pulls the rug from under us.

The moment we set foot in that meeting room, that department or that company, our cells tell us we shouldn’t be there.  The moment we begin to outshine the men in our lives, earn more money, grasp leadership and power, succeed in a ‘man’s profession’ and aspire to something beyond what our mothers and grandmothers had, we feel our lack of power foundation and the rug is pulled away from us.

3 – We Shut Down Our True Feminine Power

So, there we are fighting against the status quo, no power foundation, stuck in a submission response, consciously fighting to succeed despite this huge energetic handicap, trying to fit into a world devised by men to fit men. We are simply the wrong shape, we don’t fit. We try to force ourself into the box that the male world expects. We shut down our true feminine power.

Our magnificent wings, our talons and our beak – everything which makes us truly powerful  – are removed.

The result – Huge internal conflict – we’re driven to achieve, shine and embrace our freedom and yet we are pulled back over and over again. We’re told we have equality but we have to suppress our true power and shut down parts of ourselves to squeeze into a box that doesn’t fit us.

It’s no wonder we end up with chronic fatigue and aniety.

It’s no wonder we struggle.

How  can  the  Eagle 
soar  high  when  her  
wings  are  clipped?

Simply telling the Eagle that she’s now allowed to fly doesn’t restore her feathers and talons.

The law tells us we are allowed to be eagles again, but just having the opportunity and the rights doesn’t restore what history took away from us.

Until we get our wings back again, we won’t be able to soar to our full potential.  We will feel inadequate until we are restored to our natural full magnificence – restored to OUR TRUE SHAPE, and not the shape that history forced onto us.

This is why believing in our empowerment just isn’t good enough.

That’s why we need to actually pull back our power and restore the power foundation that has been forbidden to us for so long.

Only then will we feel the level playing field and truly embody our highest vision in the world.

I Really Believed There Was Something Wrong With Me

I truly believed I was inadequate in some way.  What other reason could there be for my lack of confidence?

Here’s the truth though, there’s nothing wrong with me and there’s nothing wrong with you.


Truth is we are struggling against the past. We are struggling against what history did to women. We’re battling against the conditioning of our upbringing, the experiences that put us down, the ‘shape’ that women were forced to take on in the world. We are struggling against millennia of restraints imposed by patriarchy.

Why Don’t We Feel The Equality We Supposedly Have?
Why Don’t We Feel Our Value?

As women today, we are born into the bright new world where we are meant to be able to have all the same things as any man. But here’s the problem, this has only been true for a lifetime.

I call it the “Kitchen Maid to University Made Timeline”; I’m the perfect example of this – my grandmother was a kitchen maid and I, in two generations, am a Cambridge University Graduate and Scholar with First Class Honours, a PhD and a Research Fellowship!

In a mere 2 generations, the norm for women in my family has shifted by lightyears in terms of freedom, choice, opportunity, occupation, money – everything!

This change is so enormous, and has happened over so short a time, that society, subconscious attitudes and limits simply haven’t had time to catch up.


1 – We Are Conditioned To Give Our Power Away

Our knee-jerk reaction in life is to give our power away, to go into submission to be safe – this is an ancient evolutionary reaction. Trouble is, this makes us feel vulnerable, it creates blocks, fears and limits us.

More importantly  – once we’ve lost our power, we can’t get it back.

I define power as the ability to create change. Once we’ve given away our power, all we can do is react to the people, situations and institutions that DO have it.

2 – Women Lack A Power Foundation

Think about it this way.  When a man wants to succeed out in the world, have a high-powered career, be a leader, a visionary, every cell in his body tells him it’s within his rights. He’s supported by millennia of law, precident, attitude, assumption and belief.

But what about us? Where the man is supported by history, we as women are undermined by it.

Instead of layers of history reassuring us that we are entitled, our history tells us that our place is in the home, that we must obey, that men are cleverer than women, that we don’t have a say over our children or our money, we need to be demure, downcast, quiet, modest and subservient.  

Obsolete, archaic rubbish – totally!!  – But under the surface  this legacy is still holding us back.

This is the exact opposite of our conscious beliefs, our desires and what we want and deserve today.

In energetic terms we are aware we have rights, that we are entitled to equal opportunity, but under the surface we have old messaging that pulls the rug from under us.

The moment we set foot in that meeting room, that department or that company, our cells tell us we shouldn’t be there.  The moment we begin to outshine the men in our lives, earn more money, grasp leadership and power, succeed in a ‘man’s profession’ and aspire to something beyond what our mothers and grandmothers had, we feel our lack of power foundation and the rug is pulled away from us.

3 – We Shut Down Our True Feminine Power

So, there we are fighting against the status quo, no power foundation, stuck in a submission response, consciously fighting to succeed despite this huge energetic handicap, trying to fit into a world devised by men to fit men. We are simply the wrong shape, we don’t fit. We try to force ourself into the box that the male world expects. We shut down our true feminine power.

Our magnificent wings, our talons and our beak – everything which makes us truly powerful  – are removed.

The result – Huge internal conflict – we’re driven to achieve, shine and embrace our freedom and yet we are pulled back over and over again. We’re told we have equality but we have to suppress our true power and shut down parts of ourselves to squeeze into a box that doesn’t fit us.

It’s no wonder we end up with chronic fatigue and aniety.

It’s no wonder we struggle.

How  can  the  Eagle  
 soar  high  when  her  wings  are  clipped?

Simply telling the Eagle that she’s now allowed to fly doesn’t restore her feathers and talons.

The law tells us we are allowed to be eagles again, but just having the opportunity and the rights doesn’t restore what history took away from us.

Until we get our wings back again, we won’t be able to soar to our full potential.  We will feel inadequate until we are restored to our natural full magnificence – restored to OUR TRUE SHAPE, and not the shape that history forced onto us.

This is why believing in our empowerment just isn’t good enough.

That’s why we need to actually pull back our power and restore the power foundation that has been forbidden to us for so long.

Only then will we feel the level playing field and truly embody our highest vision in the world.

Knowing The Problem Is One Thing,
Solving That Problem Is Quite Another!

This was the beginning of a journey into the unknown. I trained with the best and learnt how to clear beliefs, shift traumas, using the latest healing modalities, but although I released huge blocks from my life, none of those techniques could crack the big thing.

None of these things gave me back the true power to create the change I wanted in my life. None of these established modalities gave me what I was seeking.

None Of The Existing Techniques Could Crack It

This is what I discovered. I worked out how to pull back our power from the people, institutions and events that have clipped our wings.  Figured out how to free ourselves from the old patriarchal matrix of fear conditioning.

I worked out how to create a feminine power foundation to give us the means of overcoming our historical legacy of subservience. 

I Discovered The Truth Nobody Has Realised
Empowerment Isn’t About Beliefs,
It’s A Real Energy Dynamic;
A Dynamic 
You Can Learn To Change. 

Once I found the key, I began to use it on myself and my clients with astonishing success.  Finally I had the ability to pull back my power.  

Situations which in the past had been ordeals, that I’d avoid or have to screw my courage up to survive, were transformed. My confidence sky-rocketed. My self-esteem and self-worth finally began to mirror what I knew was the truth.

I’d Discovered Something Truly Game-Changing

I’d  discovered  how  women  can  claim  our 
Eagle  Magnificence.

I  discovered  how  to  get  our  wings  back.

Not only had I worked out how to free women from the energetic legacy that kept sabotaging us, but I found I could also teach other women how to master these techniques. 

The challenge though, I was working one to one for over 6 months with each woman to do this, time-consuming and expensive, over £5000 of investment.  I knew this just wasn’t my mission. 

This was something that I had to teach, I had to get it out into the world and enable as many women as possible to realise their true potential and purpose in the world. I needed to create an accessible and convenient training that many women could benefit from. 

The Next Step – Bring It To The World

Now You Can Break Free And
Claim Your True Magnificence

Think what you’ve already achieved, while still being disconnected from your true power, and still sabotaged by the hurts of the past!

Imagine what you could accomplish if you were free of those obsolete straitjackets, and your true creative power was flowing through you.

Imagine what you could achieve if you stopped holding back and playing it small.

What Would Be Possible For You
If You Were Connected To Your True Power?

What Could You Achieve If You Were Free Of
Your Generational Conditioning
And Had All The Power You Need?

It ‘s  time  to  choose!

  • Are you prepared to let your future success, achievement, fulfilment and happiness be destroyed?
  • Is it acceptable for you to be held back and have your brilliance suppressed because you’re a woman, because of the way you’ve been conditioned, or the archaic beliefs of people around you?
  • OR are you ready to know your value, brilliance and power, and use it to shine in wherever you want to be in life?
  • Are you ready to be free to embody your highest vision in the world?

Now You Can Now Learn
How To Pull Back Your Power


Cinderella Bootcamp®


Learn effective techniques to help free yourself from low self-confidence, imposter syndrome and playing it small, see your self-esteem sky-rocket and embrace your feminine power and brilliance as never before.


Learn effective techniques to help free yourself from low self-confidence, imposter syndrome and playing it small, see your self-esteem sky-rocket and embrace your feminine power and brilliance as never before.

What  if  you  had  a  magic  wand  and  could  really  change  things!

  • Learn my exclusive Pull Back Your Power Technique™ and use it to transform your world, now and in the future.
  • Free yourself from the pain, conditioning and limiting patterns of you past experiences and upbringing, and feel safe growing in excellence, aligned with your true brilliance.
  • Reconnect to your true feminine power, and heal the deep energetic wounds that have been sabotaged your life.
  • Start creating your power foundation, and find the kind of confidence and self-esteem you’ve only dreamed of before now.
  • Learn to harness the creative power of the universe to heal your life, and create the future you desire.
  • Finally feel safe to stop hiding, and start shining in your career and personal life.

We  all  love  the  fairytale…

Cinderella’s transformation from hidden, disempowered, controlled, unhappy and impoverished to visibility, empowerment, freedom and abundance.

Well, every woman deserves to find her power, to do whatever she wants with her life and fulfil her dreams, regardless of her heritage, background or life experiences. 

Let’s get something straight, right now – it’s DEFINITELY NOT ABOUT BEING RESCUED!

In Cinderella Bootcamp we don’t need to be rescued –  All we need is the power to make it happen for ourselves. The key is within you, it always has been. You just need to know how to pull back the power you’ve lost.

Your life is like a Grand Ball – you only get one chance to go. You don’t want to miss your chance to shine!

Ask  yourself  now. . . What ‘s  your  dream?

Career Success?

Amazing Relationship?

Speaking Up and Expressing Yourself?

Your Own Business?

Your Mission Out In The World?

Effortlessly Shining?


Cinderella  needed  a  Fairy  Godmother 
to  transform  her  life

Real Fairy Godmothers
are hard to find!

But  fortunately 

You  don’t  need  one!

I teach you my unique tools and the understanding you need. This gives you everything you need to change how you feel in your life, in your relationships and in the world.

You don’t need a special gift. You don’t need to change who you are or change your character. After the Bootcamp, you will be equipped with the tools you need to keep pulling back your power each and every time something tries to take it away from you.

Armed with your new power foundation, understanding and tools, you will shift the balance of power in your relationships, transform how you feel going into meetings, presentations, and confrontations. Your new confidence will make imposter syndrome a thing of the past.

You will learn how to level the playing field so you finally feel like the gifted woman you are, confident, competent and comfortable getting noticed.


Are you ready to pull back your power?

Are you ready to find out what it ‘s like
to be an Eagle again?

Are you ready?

With  Cinderella  Bootcamp  you  become  your  own  Fairy  Godmother!


On CINDERELLA BOOTCAMP® you’ll enjoy a unique experience programme, charged with interaction, and powerful, almost magic* tools which can help you transform yourself and your life from the inside out.  I’ve used my 16 years of experience helping women just like you, to create a signature system that really works and I’ll be leading you through my step by step process to take you from mission to mission accomplished.

You  won’ t  find  this  process  anywhere  else!

Module 1 – Fairy Godmother

In the first part of Cinderella Bootcamp, you will the essential skills to change your life now and in the future – you’ll become your own fairy godmother!

  • You’ll learn how to use your innate *magical powers* to change things you thought were unchangeable.
  • Understand the essential problem faced by all women – that we lack a power foundation to create change in the world, and start the process of creating one using my unique techniques.
  • Free yourself from the energetic legacy of generations that has held back women from the freedom, empowerment and opportunity they deserve, and start building a true power foundation for yourself and your life.
  • Learn the secret of how to connect to the universe by conscious connection to the quantum field, harness infinite support and the power to instigate change.
  • Learn the three pillars of feminine empowerment, and understand why your attempts to change your life have failed in the past.
  • Start my Power Masterclass training where you learn how to change the power dynamic of your daily interactions and radically change the way you feel in your everyday life.
  • You’ll receive the Rainbow Energy attunement in your heart and learn how to use the energy to heal your life.

Module 2 – Rebirth

Now you will enter the major transformation phase! Before you can activate your true power, you need to release the deep wounds that have been crushing your feminine power centre. These may be major experiences, or they can be years of being put down, or discriminated against. Every woman has these feminien wounds locked in her past.

  • You’ll identify the deep feminine wounds that have disempowered you for so long, and bring in the wisdom they give before we transform them into enlightenment.
  • Discover your female power archetype – which shows you how you have been compensating for your female power being shut down. This is the first step towards unlocking your unique fully-faceted power.
  • Experience the profound sacral chakra healing to release the energies of trauma ingrained deep in your centre of power. This life-changing healing will deeply cleanse the cellular memory, clearing your energy flow and reconnecting your power centre.
  • Bring in a new mental blueprint that brings in your feminine genius, and frees you from the rigid male thought processes that cause burnout.
  • Activate your feminine power centre, and bring your true power into your body, mind and life, releasing the male patterns that are alien to your being.

Module 3 – Radiance

Next you’ll be starting the first step in rebuilding confidence and self-esteem from the inside out.  You will be freeing yourself from the judgement imposed on women’s bodies and radically changing the energy of your body.

  • You’ll change the deepest misunderstandings of beauty, femininity and desirability that have been taking away your power and together we’ll reprogramme your subconscious mind to recognise your unique beauty.
  • We’ll programme your subconscious mind to see your body as beautiful regardless of your weight, age or shape – so you literally FEEL DIFFERENTLY about your appearance. PLUS you’ll free yourself of the world’s conditioning that tells women our bodies need to be a certain way for us to have value.
  • You’ll identify your Personal Beauty Archetype and connect it to your feelings about your body – completely shifting the way you think about your appearance.
  • Release the years of hate, inadequacy and negative feelings you’ve been storing in your body, and learn how to replace them with the highest vibrations of love, value and self-acceptance.

Module 4 – Poison Apples

Next you will be freeing yourself from the hurtful comments, insults and things people said that undermined your self-esteem, confidence and belief in what you can do. Doing this frees you to find the truth about how amazing you really are, and your self-esteem will transform.

  • You’ll identify the deep negative conditioning – or poison apples – that have been preventing you form knowing and living your true value, worth and deservedness. I’ll then teach you how to use my unique  “Pull Back Your Power™ to free yourself and catapult yourself forwards excellence.
  • You’ll learn the key to being the architect of your own life by transforming your painful experiences into wisdom and mastery, and learn how to use this technique every day.
  • Step into genuine empowerment and live your daily life shining your value, and have it reflected back to you in the respect and appreciation of others
  • Learn to love yourself for who you really are, right now, regardless of what you’ve been through in the past.

Module 5 – Freedom

Women have been held back for centuries by the limiting rules of patriarchy, and although society has moved on, these rigid energies sit in subconscious beliefs and attitudes and continue to stifle our brilliance. In this module you will bring these limits into the light and transform them so you can finally be free to express yourself fully.  Look forward to a deep dive into your ancestry, culture and family patterns, and embrace new powers to free yourself from these prisons.

Not only this, but we will also be changing the energetic foundation patterns which cause you to lose your power again and again when you come up against these limitations in your everyday life.

It’s time to be limitless!!

  • Free yourself from the limitations and glass ceilings that have been blocking your life – your love, your success and your opportunity.
  • Receive a powerful healing to incinerate the energetic blocks and cellular memory of limitation from your mind and body.
  • Free yourself once and for all from the patterns that have blocked opportunity, freedom, choice,  love, achievement and abundance for women from your own past and from your family line.
  • Create the energetic blueprint for the future you desire – your career, your success, your relationships and your wellbeing – and anything else you want.

Module 6 – Feminine Alchemy

In the Bootcamp finale, we take our transformation to the next level and open up the energies of visibility, audibility, presence and impact for now and for our future.

  • We release the karmic choices to limit ourselves by the obsolete rules of patriarchy which are buried deep in our childhood. 
  • Release all the energetic baggage and disempowering patterns created from those karmic decisions and replace them with new behaviours and beliefs aligned with your birthright of freedom, choice and feminine power.
  • Release the straitjacket of ‘male is perfect’  – this is the deep deep root of our insecurity, feelings of not being good enough. We replace it with a new perfect.  US!
  • Finally we bring everything together opening up your potential and creating the vibrations of visibility, audibility, impact and bring that vibration into our lives here and now.

and then…


you’re ready for the

Ball  of  Your  Life

What  Bootcamp  Graduates  Say

“Cinderella Bootcamp is excellent. It is easy to follow and use but incredibly powerful. Support is almost instantaneous when you need guidance and the answer provided to resolve it. The coaching sessions are invaluable too as we all benefit from them and it propels us forward when we are feeling stuck.  Anne’s support is amazing, she is always there as if by magic and constant checking up on us to make sure we are progressing. The whole experience was outstanding, and the calls where Anne does the training live were the highlight of my week. I now use the power exercises each day and bring in my team to support me. I feel like I have more authority in all areas of my life and change the energy of situations if I feel out of control.
Anne is a mentor, teacher and our spiritual guide. Her unique pioneering work is unlike anything else I have experienced and she is discovering things that nobody else has even thought about. This makes her work exceptional. She is breaking through the barriers to give us the life and happiness we all deserve but have struggled to achieve without her magic!
Donna B.

The quality of the presentations was superb in every aspect. The images were high resolution, well chosen and extremely professional. It was absolutely evident that Anne had put in a great deal of investment into Bootcamp- thought, content, effort, time, equipment, resources, presentation were brilliant.

The trainings and healings, as always with Anne, were top notch. Each and every one was of a very high standard, reaching “parts that other parts never reach”.

I could really feel the love and attention that each aspect of the course was given and knew the amount of time it must have taken her. Hats off to you, Anne!

The membership site was easy to navigate once I gave myself a chance to get used to it. It was all very professional and excellently produced.

Anne provided far more care and attention than I had anticipated she would be giving. Her support was consistent throughout, responding to questions and often, angst that arose throughout, by more than patiently answering questions she had already provided answers for, in the calls. I feel she went above and beyond my expectations.
Without a shadow of a doubt, I feel 100% more empowered! I’m ever so grateful that BC was run at a time in my life when I really needed it. The short term benefits were evident (see below) but the lifelong lessons and healings will stay with me forever, as I will be using the tools at least a couple of times a week.
Whilst I was taking bootcamp, I was also completing a challenging postgraduate course that I was worried that I may not pass. We identified throughout the course, many factors that were limiting my ability to succeed and one by one, these were identified and removed. I also went through a difficult time with one of my managers at work and I know without any hesitation, that Anne helped me to get my power back from the situation as well as the manager and that contributed to me feeling listened to and respected more at work.

By the end of Bootcamp, my results came through and I passed the course, gaining 95% on one of the exams! I am thrilled! Things with my manager have improved as I have learned to stand my ground, employing all the tools Anne taught and instructed us to use in specific situations. These are tools for life!! I have had to use them many times since the course and have found that they are transferable to so many different situations in my life, possibly due to my own individual circumstances, as well as my cultural upbringing.

I have found that my awareness of the types of problems and situations that we were dealing with, has become much deeper and my focus on eliminating these from my life has come into sharper focus. This is invaluable, because knowledge is power; Anne has provided the knowledge and to boot, given us the tools to get back our power lost through these disempowering situations and to bring awareness to others of these power deficits.

This work isn’t for the faint-hearted! It is pioneering, challenging, and therefore you should expect it to bring some stuff up for you. However, Anne provides every single tool you need to help yourself through this, and as long as you can remember to use them, you’ll feel every single atom of benefit. “Wash, rinse and repeat” as many times as you need and you will feel as free as a bird and as light as a feather.

I truly recommend this course with Anne, as well as anything else she lays her hand to! You’ll never be disappointed and more often than not, you’ll be astounded at the things you learn and clear along the way. I highly recommend the investment in yourself, both financially and through the empowerment. All women across the world need this course if we are to redress the power balances between men and women.

Deevah P.

This bootcamp was fantastic! I’m on a personal journey to better my life with my husband, my relationship with my children, make new friends and build a strong career. I have faced many obstacles in the past and Anne has really helped me break through these barriers.
The content covered was spot on and to the point for me.
Already I have seen progress in certain areas of my life and look forward to repeating the course over again.

The material covered, the healings and presentations were all very easy to follow and very informative as well as eye opening! Anne, as always is fantastic at helping everyone and understands everyone’s personal journey.

I definitely feel more empowered in my life. I have been putting my new tools into practice when I am able to and remember in certain situations.

Anne is amazing! Although we worked part of a big group of ladies, not once did I feel forgotten about and she included every individual in every healing that took place. Anne answered questions very promptly and also magically answered those questions that you may have felt uncomfortable with.

Preena N.

This Cinderella Bootcamp was out of this world. It was so life changing for me, being able to be be confident, assertive and speak up was one of the biggest challenges I faced. Having applied the techniques taught by Anne along with the healings provided I was able to stand in my power in a difficult situation and actually got results. Ever since the Bootcamp I’ve never felt anxious which is just amazing because I now have the tools to deal with situations or people that could cause me to get stressed. I apply the tools daily and I am more conscious and have a sense of peace.

Anne is a brilliant teacher, everything about the Bootcamp is awesome; the healings, presentations, handouts are of qood quality and just perfect. The content was so clear and concise and of very good quality. The membership site is lovely and user friendly. It’s easy to download recordings and the literature. Anne is just the best! So caring and supportive, and always responded to our questions or concerns throughout the Bootcamp.

The best thing is the results! The fact that I had evident results by applying what Anne taught was what I enjoyed most. Also the ladies on the Bootcamp were very supportive to each other so we felt we in it together and no one was alone. I loved the togetherness.

It feels amazing to stand in my power!
Every woman needs to be part of the Cinderella Bootcamp, it’s honestly so life changing.”

Philippa N.

 “Everything was excellent.  The content was fab, the training presentation was really lovely healings were deep and support was excellent. Anne was amazing – really helpful – explained anything we needed further explanation on. I also mailed her a few times during the course & her support was invaluable. There was a slightly different approach- as to the content this time- a lot more deeper.

I was scared initially- but I liked the fact I felt supported throughout- Anne really does guide you gently throughout it all. It felt like I didn’t have much time this year when I first enrolled & was scared I wouldn’t be able to keep up.  However, the course however was manageable & enjoyable. I love Anne’s style of teaching – the calls were fab – followed by a healing – all was great – I’d normally fall asleep during the healing!

Anne does ALL of the hard work – obviously – you need to do the background work which can be triggering/ challenging at times- but Anne leads you through things step by step – like she’s holding your hand!

Tammy C.

 The Bootcamp has put me on a journey of self discovery and self mastery. I have air tools at my fingertips thanks to Anne and her teachings and feel now it’s up to me to begin to use them. With the healings their were instant hanged in that I felt profound shifts but feel I have a lot of self help work to do on a daily basis to really make it work. The whole programme has been excellent from the teaching, to the slides and homework and audio help.

The training was amazing! very insightful and thorough. Easy to follow and simple to use.  Anne was fantastic. She answered all questions and queries, and explained things really well. I felt very supported throughout my journey.

Definitely helped to understand my blocks and I now have a wide range of tools to help me overcome them. It’s begun a big shift in my energy and thinking process. I feel less stuck in past old fashioned beliefs.

I’m so pleased I did it and would highly recommend it to anyone else seeking self mastery on many levels.” 

Ushma M.

 I loved the training. It’s simple to follow and really helpful.  The healings were amazing and I love the group vibe where you can share what’s going on and support each other when you need extra support.

Anne is amazing and I felt her support throughout the process. When using the Facebook page if having a meltdown she is quick to come on and provide advice as to what to do and remind you which parts of the bootcamp you may need to listen to again.

The healings have been amazing. While learning all the things that have held me back has been really important, the healings have helped me stay strong when I’ve wobbled and I love the fact I can do them whenever I need them.

Now when I feel stressed or out of control I know to bring in my team and bring back my power and run the various energies so that I can take back control

The Bootcamp has had a huge impact on my life – I feel empowered and more in control

Having done the original Bootcamp and feeling the impact on my entire life, I had to go for Bootcamp 2.0.
I’m glad I did. It helped me learn the things that have pulled me back in my life and gave me new ways to overcome them. I’ve been empowered with the tools we have been given and calmed with the healings. I also really appreciated the one on one sessions of coaching which targeted specific issues I had personally and enabled me to better understand where I was coming from and how to move forward.”

Fiona A.

Cinderella Bootcamp was absolutely amazing. Anne’s support was fantastic and inspiring. The healings, and understanding the 3 pillars, really eye opening!

I definitely feel more empowered. It becomes easier to act once you understand your underlying motivations and why things have been the way they have been. It has given me so much to think about and has made me feel like I am standing on a much stronger foundation.

I was more than ready to take my learning to the next level, and Anne did it perfectly. The sequencing of teaching, then being taken through the technique practically before finally having the appropriate healing was fantastic. I felt I really learnt and fully understood the tools given to us. That, and the content of the course itself, has already made me feel so much more powerful and in control of my life.

Anne, you have got the formula spot on. The mix of theory and practical means that it has, and will continue to stay with me.

Sylvia G.

“Cinderella Bootcamp was sublime. I feel that being part of the Cinderella Bootcamp has created a positive paradigm shift in me on very necessary levels. I’m still in the processing stage currently, with the course so recently ended!

Anne is wonderfully supportive and the course is beautifully presented, with brilliant visuals and thoroughly explained so you understand, and the healings and resources are awesome. Being part of the group is great on so many levels. You have to be willing to do the work.

If you’re wondering whether to be part of this I would say to you ‘Go for it!’.”

Angela G.

The Bootcamp was run online using video link. The material was shared in a presentation format and followed by healing session or energy attunement. Straight away it was clear how much time and effort Anne has vested in this. Context was clear and easy to understand and the material covered was far in access of expectation. Anne’s passionate belief in helping others was so apparent

Anne’s support was fantastic – Anne always always responded to queries questions and was a huge support getting me through my wobbles when I hit a limit or got a bit lost . Thank you Anne
The whole content and what we were doing resonated deeply with me. I loved the sense of belonging to this group of remarkable women and the group energy created was so comforting

I have a bit of work to continue doing with blocks and sabotage but I truly now understand some of the things that have happened in my past . For me understanding the why is important and I finally do. Because of Bootcamp, I feel empowered to move forward – This is huge!!

I have had a challenging journey in life and have been through therapy and also healing sessions. Always moving forward a little. I can honest say that for the first time I understand the root of the issues . It is an empowering feeling and also a relief. The Bootcamp is the start of the journey but it’s a point in the journey where you can finally see the outcome.”

Isha S.

“Cinderella Bootcamp with Anne is one of the best investments you can make. I had done lots of work on myself before joining but it hadn’t made the deep shifts I really wanted. I didn’t truly stand in my power. I kept giving it away thinking nobody wanted to hear my opinion, that I shouldn’t take up too much space or time and let everyone else take the lead. This all changed with Anne’s excellent explanations of how women have had generations of feeling like this and why it can be so hard for us to keep pushing to affirm our equal position in society only to keep falling back into old habits.

The teachings and healings received made me understand why we needed them and then so brilliantly (and powerfully) clear the blocks restricting us. These were so easy to use and I listen to them again and again and will continue to do so as they clear more each time.

On top of the healings, Anne taught really easy, simple techniques to use on ourselves when we hit resistance or limits or find ourselves giving our power away. These are practical tools to use daily which work so well alongside the healings.
Since completing the course, so much in my life has changed, life is just that little bit easier and I stress so much less. The moment I feel it crop up, I use Anne’s tools to stop spiralling downwards, as I used to pre-Bootcamp, when the smallest thing went wrong.
I have actually moved jobs and am now moving in with my boyfriend. I have also stopped sabotaging myself so much whenever something good happens as I now acknowledge the signs and stop it in its tracks with the powerful tools and healings.

I couldn’t recommend Cinderella Bootcamp enough, my life has changed hugely, for the better.”

Iona F.

“Although I had completed a lot of healing with many different modalities over the years. BootCamp 2.0 gave me an opportunity to gain a deeper understand of my foundations and why some of my blocks, (frustratingly) still prevented me from moving forward. Through Anne’s clear and passionate presentations of her understanding of the female disempowerment that we live with, within our DNA and ingrained into society. It became apparent that Anne’s healing modalities tools and attunements would give me the opportunity to set myself free. I was excited by the prospect of living my truth AT LAST.

Each week the calls with Anne explained and presented in a way that everyone taking part would connect with, what every your life experiences had been to that point, that as females in this powerful group that Anne had created, would be some amazing break-throughs and life-changing opportunities. I chose to commit to the process, I wanted to change, I want to live my life differently, I wanted to learn, grow and empower myself to achieve anything I set my mind too, but this time get real results.

Anne always delivers huge amounts of passion for her subject, involves herself fully in your healing process, is guided by the higher energies to achieve the best outcome for everyone and with respect for the greater good of ALL.

During the course, I completed the tasks each week with some hesitation and a lot of emotion but kept in mind the bigger picture, my goals and why I want my life to change. My mind and body went through many changes over the course, I had been given tools and understandings that this was ok and to be kind to myself. It’s a little like travelling through a long tunnel, you can’t really see where you’re going but the light is there and you have the guidance of Anne to reassure you, encourage you and remind you of the process. Each day I work with tools Anne has taught me, I am gaining more and more power back, I am feeling happier in myself, achieving albeit small, but never the less reaching the next step on my journey to where I want to be, and allowing myself to enjoy it.

I am feeling more empowerd to stand up for myself especially in relationships, I AM VALUING MYSELF.”

Leanne F.

I found the training immensely clear and straightforward to follow. The healings were amazing and I really looked forward to each one. The membership site is easy to use and access which is great for someone who isn’t brilliant at IT.

Anne was always there when needed. When asking a question she would answer in a clear and concise way and help you to know which healings you needed to repeat to help you get over a hurdle or block you had.

I feel calmer and more in control and that is something I haven’t felt for a long time. It’s helped me be honest with myself. That’s the biggest part in any change learning to be honest with yourself and taking action!

The boot camp has helped me to see patterns in my life that were blocking me from succeeding. It has opened me up and enabled me to understand why I have blocked myself so many times in the past.

I had a huge breakthrough in a meeting with a really difficult client and I actually used “my team” to help me beat the male misogynist energy in the room and not only shine but also achieve!
The bootcamp has helped me to get rid of old beliefs ingrained in my DNA that damaged my every day life.
I will use the healings forever more and use my team as much as possible. I also know now how to use my heart energy and that is a real gift to anyone and something I wish more woman understood how to do. Anne is Amazing.

Phoebe H.

Anne’s support is of the highest quality and delivered with love, compassion, with a deep understanding of your journey, from her personal experiences in life and of the healing process that Anne has been through and continues to work with the tools shared on the course to help, you as an individual as well as the greater consciousness. Thank you Anne for your unwavering dedecation to female empowerment.

Leanne F.

“My healing journey started about 10 years ago, and that was when I first read about the Law of Attraction, and it answered some things about why I felt so blocked in my life, career etc. As I researched more about energy and healing, and went to many different courses, I felt positive shifts in my life – but only here and there. I could not understand why there was no positive shift career-wise, or why my health hadn’t improved all these years – and 10 years is a long time to keep experiencing constant failure and struggle. I always wondered, if the Law of Attraction works for others – then why not me?

I did wonder if Cinderella Bootcamp would actually work for me, but went along on the course anyway ……and thank God I did!

Cinderella Bootcamp provided me with the answers, healing and tools I needed, that helped me shift the issues that had kept me stuck all these years. If I think about myself just 8 weeks ago before the Bootcamp, I remember how powerless I felt in most parts of my life, having no boundaries, and not be able to stand up for myself and always found it hard to express my femininity, etc.

Although I feel, I would have to go through the Bootcamp again, many times before I feel the shifts to the levels I want, I can already feel myself standing in my power and interacting with people with boundaries, whereas in the past, I remember just giving my power away to nearly everyone I know, not realising what a big negative impact it had on me.

And now, I feel like a completely different person. I can now understand why and how I had so many problems, I feel empowered and have healthy boundaries, and actually feel feminine for the first time in my life! And the amazing thing is, I now have the tools and healing I can use everyday to overcome issues that before were completely unsolvable for me.

The beauty of Cinderella Bootcamp is, the whole program is gentle, as in; easy to understand content, fun and enjoyable but at the same time deeply effective and really digs deep to get to the root of the problems.

Anne provides you with the knowledge, does the deep healings that I’ve seen no other modality touch before, and provides you with the tools you can use to shift anything – whether it’s a very small issue or a deep trauma. I feel kind of sad now that it is over, but happy that we have a Facebook group that supports our Bootcamp journeys, and each other.

Samina M.

“Cinderella Bootcamp was excellent. This is life changing work . I have learnt strategies to help deal with anything life throws at me.

In the last few years I have had financial problems, health problems and family problems. I was feeling that I couldn’t cope with it all anymore and was finding it hard to get enthusiastic about even the good things in my life because I was waiting for the next bad thing to happen …with Anne’s trainings and healings I have understood more about why these things happen and feel empowered with strategies to avoid them or deal with them.

Anne is an inspirational teacher and has been very generous with the support she gives. It is amazing how much Anne packs in to this course. Anne is very generous with her time and contact with the group, on the membership site,means that there is always support available . It has been a marvellous experience. Being able to access the trainings and healings at any time and as often as one needs is really helpful.

After the last training and healing I felt rather bereft that it was over but now, a few days later, I realise how empowering the Bootcamp was and how much more able I am to face whatever comes my way . Of course, Anne does not have a magic wand (although most of us suspect that she does) but she does teach us how to pull back our power and avoid self-sabotage and self-limiting issues. If we are willing to do the work the results really do feel like magic is happening.
Being part of the Cinderella Bootcamp private group on Facebook has been very helpful. Sharing the journey that we were all experiencing was both comforting and inspirational.
It is great knowing that the support group, the healings and the trainings will continue to be available so that this exciting and effective work can continue. I shall be listening to it all again many times.
Thank you, Anne, for starting me on this valuable path and for helping me to rekindle the joy in me.”

Nina T.

“I loved the Bootcamp! It is not about finding a partner, but finding yourself and that uniqueness of who you are inside. I feel more confident and balanced, more able just to live and be at peace with the world, instead of feeling like things are an endless struggle. Highly recommend this investment in yourself- totally encourage everyone do it! 

A gifted healer and superb trainer, her years as a university lecturer certainly show in the simple and effective tools that Anne teaches on the Bootcamp. Great step by step logical presentations and handouts sprinkled with magical healings in between! A true genius 😍 The group healing calls are a great way to get some extra personal help on a specific issue.  And Anne is kind and supportive always ready to reply to comments on the Facebook group. A fully interactive experience. What can I say? Sign up 😄”

Jenny S.

“Having done the original Cinderella Bootcamp in 2018, I wasn’t sure how much benefit I would get from Bootcamp 2.0 if I am being honest. I think I viewed it more as a top up, even though Anne had said that it would be new material and a new way of thinking about things. As ever, she was right, and I found Bootcamp 2.0 extremely beneficial, not only in the new tips and techniques for managing my day to day life, which I am using to great effect, but in the healings and work that we did over the weeks. I feel more confident, more empowered, and more me.

The material was presented really well. I liked the way the content was broken down into educational pieces, healings, attunements and group sessions. It made it easy to navigate, particularly as I couldn’t attend the live sessions. The way the material was presented on the website was particularly useful.
Anne is a great support. Her interactions, particularly on the Facebook page between sessions, was invaluable and kept me, and others going during some of the tougher things we faced.

I found the healings particularly relaxing. I got some huge shifts after them and found them extremely energising this time around.
The understanding, healings and tools have helped me made strides, particularly in my business, which is what I really wanted help with.

Bootcamp has made me braver. It has made me more focussed and it has given me tools that I am using during some of the more challenging aspects of my day to day life.”

Karen H.

“I think the quality of the Bootcamp is very high; the content is so relevant and makes so  much sense that it amazed me a few times; the presentations are clear and well driven; the healings have been powerful and still are, as I can use them again.

Anne’s support has been very good, the support to the group at the sessions and group healings have been fantastic. She also always replied to any questions or comments we had in the CB Facebook group very fast and helpfully.

I enjoyed the healing sessions, as they changed something in me and still feel it. But also, I think the message in the training presentations was very very powerful;  it opened my eyes with explanations about life, my life, in a way nobody had done it before. The fats that Anne proposes, explains justifies, demonstrates and heals are simple, basic, logical and this may be the reason why nobody has paid attention to them before Anne.  You can see that Anne has a scientific and organised mine (like me!) which allows her to explain herself so well. But also a special gift that she shared with us, something “magical” or maybe something just as real as life that is out there and nobody else can see.  Thanks Anne!

The tools have made me feel more empowered.  Although this is a long and continuous processing I feel I still have much to walk.  The healings have  made me be less fearful about things happening in my life which allows me to take more ownership of my life.

This Bootcamp has had an impact in my life in different ways.  It helped me feel more comfortable in my personal life, be able to speak up and defend my points, express what I wanted instead of hiding it constantly, react against hurting comments and definitely be more confident about my future in my relationship or without it.

Within the first two weeks of the live Bootcamp, I also got a new job offer, something I had been waiting for for a while.

Previous to the Bootcamp, I had a couple of one-to-one sessions with Anne that were also very powerful experiences. All my fears and anxiety related to relationships vanished after seeing Anne; she somehow worked on my blockages and made them disappear!  I think the Bootcamp is an incredible programme.”

Vanessa R.

“I have worked with Anne for over 5 years now and thanks to her and the work we have done together I am a completely different person, in the best way possible. I trust her completely so when she recommended I do the Bootcamp I signed up straightaway, and will be forever grateful that I did. Anne is the perfect teacher. Each element built and developed the ideas of the last creating an incredibly strong body of work that I can return to again and again.

For me there is a huge difference between an instructor and a teacher. Whilst Anne is incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about her work, for me what sets her apart from others in the field is that her mission is to empower you and give you all the understanding and tools you need to stand on your own two feet and move forward, whilst remaining a safety net for the times that you wobble a bit. Thanks to Anne and my ‘Army’ I feel brave enough to work toward the life I have always wanted, knowing that from now on I will never be alone again.

Thank you Anne, you are a star!! :o)”

Beth G.

How Does It Work?

Cinderella Bootcamp® is a revolutionary online experience programme, designed to take you from mission to mission accomplished with a simple, fun step by step process.

You’ll receive short lessons and bite-sized inspirations, together with tasks, games and targets to help you find and release your blocks in an effective and fun way.

I’ve created clearings and healings which will release deep-seated subconscious programming, free you from old patterns and the energetic matrix of patriarchy, and which will create your new power foundation.  I teach you power techniques in my revolutionary Power Masterclass, which you can use in your life from now on, shifting the power dynamic of you in the world. There’s also a closed Facebook group community for support, feedback and friendship.

Each module contains video trainings, worksheets, downloadable healings and clearings – everything you need to take yourself forwards a step at a time.

You’ll receive lifetime online access to the materials, in convenient MP4, MP3, and PDF formats, compatible with all your favourite devices.

To get the results, just follow the process through, step by step. Don’t worry if you can’t see how every part is directly relevant to you. I’ve covered all the bases for you to free yourself from the deepest blocks and allow you to get the results you want!

 I can’t wait to embark on this magical journey with you.

Is Cinderella Bootcamp Right For Me?

Cinderella Bootcamp is for you if you’re ready to take action and take responsibility to make your life better. You must be ready to think outside the box and redefine your view of life.

If you’re ready to let go of the past, forgive and use some powerful energetic tools to take control back from your old conditioning, then you’re perfect for the journey.

We’ll be using powerful and proven tools to shift our subconscious perception of life events, to change our reference and bring more light and love in. We’ll be harnessing the law of attraction to create the energy you want to experience in your life.  

I can’t promise any specific results –  but I can promise that if you put in the effort, you will feel different, blocks will release and your life will shift in all sorts of ways.  When you transform yourself from within, the energy you put out into the world changes, and the reality you create and the relationships and opportunities you attract change with it.

You will need to work hard, to be motivated, and to break through your resistance to get the results. Don’t worry thought, if you put in the effort, you will get the benefit.

If you aren’t ready to shift your comfort zone and open your mind to looking at life in a completely different way, if you only believe in the solid three dimensional world in front of your eyes, and aren’t ready to forgive the people who have hurt you, then it isn’t for you just yet. If you expect it to be easy, then this isn’t for you.

Things that are worth it, are worth working for.  And you are worth it!

7 Day Money-back Guarantee

I hope that Cinderella Bootcamp will be the magical transformation programme you’ve been waiting for, and that you’ll feel a new empowerment and self-esteem very quickly…

But if it’s not for you, just let us know within 7 days, and with a wave of our electronic wand you’ll get your money back.

[Refunds cannot be given for one to one sessions already received.
Check the Ts&Cs]

I’ve Got Questions….

How can you change the way I feel about my life?

I’ve spent many years specialising in powerful techniques that reprogramme the subconscious mind. It’s our deep programming that controls the way we react and think….like our internal software. If you change the software, you feel different. The changes we make during Cinderella Bootcamp are programmed on the deepest level.  This is profound and lasting stuff!

Why is it important to work on my feelings about my body, when I'm really interested in my career and confidence?

Our experience if life is created from the vibrations of energy we hold in our minds and our bodies. Women nearly always hold a lot of judgement and negative energy in their bodies, not to mention all the conditioning from society! If you want to change the energy of your life and bring in the positive things you want, you must start from within. The body is the first step in this transformation.

Cinderella Bootcamp will clear your BLOCKS to loving yourself and your body, and you will learn effective techniques for manifesting and holding the vibration of love.  When you hold that vibration, you start showing the Universe, and the people around you,  your true value, and that is when your life will start to transform.

How much time will it take? I have a full-time job.

I have designed the programme to have lots of small activites which you can fit into your day.  The longer Q&A coaching calls and the big clearing sessions will all be recorded so you can listen to them when it’s convenient if you can’t make it live.

What if I don't finish everything within the 8 weeks?

Don’t worry!  You get lifetime access to all the materials and the recordings, so you can finish it off in your own time.  The Facebook group will also continue with ongoing support and community.

I've tried online programmes before but didn't complete them. What makes Cinderella Bootcamp different?

Cinderella Bootcamp is designed as an interactive experience.  This means we’ll be doing group work, games, challenges, and it’s going to be so much fun. I’ve also designed most things to be quick and bite-sized so you can easily fit it into your day and you can keep up the momentum and really feel your progress.

How does this relate to the Law of Attraction?

To create the wonderful life we all deserve, we need to release the negative energies and actively create positive ones.  The more you focus on the negative things in your life, the more you will create more of the same.  In Cinderella Bootcamp, we work from both angles – we release the negative things that are blocking our lives, and actively magnify the positive energies.

How can recordings have an effect on my subconscious mind?

The recordings work with your brainwaves and allow your own mind to make changes.  You are in control of the whole process. It is just as powerful whether you listen live or listen to the recording.

I've been through some really bad stuff, can this help me?

Many women’s self-esteem has been undermined by traumatic life-events, and unfortunately many women have suffered rape, abuse or assault.

The first thing to emphasise is that I recommend you seek help from conventional medical professionals, and please understand that I am not a medical doctor.

If you have been through something like this, you will definitely benefit from joining Cinderella Bootcamp.  However, these experiences often need more intensive deep one-to-one work to really move through them, and not only get your life back, but transform it.

If you are really serious about turning your traumatic experience into the springboard to find your brilliance, then you should consider applying for one-to-one mentoring with me. I am highly experienced at helping women, and if you are looking for an alternative, holistic way to help yourself move forwards, then I can help you.  Any work that we do together is totally compatible with conventional counselling and medical treatment, and is designed to be used alongside, and not as a replacement.

I'm unsure about investing in myself.

You need to ask yourself whether or not you are worth investing in.  Things like holidays are transitory, investing in your long-term well-being lasts a lifetime.  I know investing in my own healing was the best thing I ever did.

What do you mean *magical powers*?

It’s not real ‘magic’ obviously!  However by using cutting-edge techniques that work deep in the subconscious mind, and using quantum energy technques we can shift the vibration of our lives significantly, and with intention, the result is that we begin to attract different experiences into our lives in a real and tangible way.

I’ve spent the last 15 years pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved, both on myself and my many clients, with excellent results.

Still got questions?
Think this might be just what you’ve been waiting for, but aren’t sure?  Then book a 
no-obligation call with Anne and find out whether this is really for you!

But that’s not all…
When you sign up for Cinderella Bootcamp you also receive these powerful BONUSES

  • Deep Heart Healing MP3 recording
    This powerful healing will help you to heal the deep emotional wounds within your heart, unblock and get the energy flowing. This is essential for raising your vibration and bringing the new energies of success, love and abundance into your life. This is a healing you will want to use many times.

Value £125

  • Private Facebook Support Group
    As part of Cinderella Bootcamp, you get membership of the private facebook group giving you access to support from Anne as well as feedback, support and companionship from other Bootcamp members. It’s well known that when you’re trying to shift your life into a different energy, it’s the people around you that can hold you back. Connection with likeminded women on the same journey allows you to reinforce the healing and anchor the new way of being and this will magnify your results and success.

Value £597

  • Ultimate 14 Day Stress-Buster
    You’ll receive access to Anne’s life-changing 14 day inspirational video programme which will transform your mindset around life. You’ll receive invaluable healings to release overwhelm and stress, enabling you to deal with everyday life and maintain your balance and well-being.

Value £297

  • Releasing Trauma Meditation
    A 40 minute energy clearing to release the patterns of trauma you’ve been holding in your body and subconscious mind.  When we release these patterns, it is much easier to move forwards without our past experiences sabotaging us.

Value £125

Are You Ready To Pull Back Your Power?

If you’re fed up of not feeling good enough, of holding back and being invisible…

Now’s the time to take action.

You can break free of those blocks, limits and insecurities that have been stifling your brilliance.

With the Cinderella Bootcamp® signature programme, and the supportive community, you can feel totally different and finally embody your highest vision in the world!

So if you’re ready…just click the button to get started today.

What  if  I  want  some  One  to  One  Support?

Sometimes you need some more individual support from me to help you resolve your individual experiences, or release your blocks.

That’s fine. I’ve given you some options so you can choose exactly the level of one to one support you need.

What’s more, you have the option to buy one to one sessions during the bootcamp if something comes up for you.

Cinderella  Silver

You receive the full Bootcamp programme, and this includes 1 x 30 minute session with Anne to schedule when you need it.

Cinderella Silver experience is £997 or
6 x monthly payments of £182.


You receive the full Bootcamp programme, PLUS 4 x 30 minute healing sessions with Anne. This is enough to really shift some major blocks and limitations.

Cinderella Gold Experience is £1497 or 6 x monthly payments of £275.

One  to  One

This is the full One to One experience with Anne. You receive the full Bootcamp experience, PLUS 8 x 60 minute healing sessions and support from Anne.  This is recommended if you have either major life challenges to overcome, OR you are ready for the next level of expansion, visibility and leadership.

Cinderella One to One is £3997 and is by application only.

What  Bootcamp  Graduates  Say

“My intention was to feel empowered and comfortable in my skin. I actually believed that I had done a lot of work in this area in my life and therefore really I would breeze through ! However what I discovered made me realise how deep my programmes and blocks had been with these elements and quite honesty I feel like I’ve only just started to truly and authentically learn about who I really am. Anne’s support is not only a huge comfort but her devotion to help you along this journey is simply an inspiration”
Helena T.

“It was an amazing, intensive adventure into self-discovery and self-empowerment. I loved the fact that it was online and interactive. All the group shared their stories and how they were using the tools to change their behaviour and attitude to be more positive. I now treat my body with kindness and respect rather than being my own worst critic!
The whole course was extremely colourful, vibrant and powerful. The tools are so easy to use as part of your daily lives but have shown to generate incredible shifts in people’s lives. I now love my body which is the first time in my life. Quite amazing changes in just eight weeks!”
Martha S.

“The Cinderella Bootcamp® has changed the way I view myself. It boosts my self confidence quite significantly and has let me love myself for the way I am and the way I look. I realized that a change is happening when I looked into a picture that my friend has just taken and for once in my life, I actually thought of myself looking good in that picture instead of seeing the flaws like I usually did before I took this bootcamp. On top of that, I started to get more attention and got myself several dates. This Cinderella Bootcamp® truly changes my level of self-worth and self-love. Recommending this to every girl out there who sometimes strive to be impossibly perfect while we need to accept that we are already perfect in our own ways.”
Emma D.

“The Cinderella bootcamp was so life changing for me. I didn’t know what to expect but definitely did not see the level of change it brought. I found my confidence and speak up now that I value and love myself. It is so liberating to come into my power. Anne was absolutely amazing and her support throughout was just outstanding. Thank you Anne for putting this together and I highly recommend this to anyone who needs change in their life.”
Tessa B.

“Anne you are truly amazing and have started something in my heart and soul that I will always treasure.
Thankyou from the bottom of my heart for giving me the chance to let go of so much and move forward in a new and better way.
I know there is still much work to be done and it will take persistence and practice but your programme has shifted so much already I really can’t thankyou enough. You will never know how much this has meant to me so thankyou from the bottom of my heart for opening me up letting you and your boot camp into my life xxxx”
Melissa T.

“Attending the Cinderella Bootcamp® with other ladies was a powerful experience. Not only Had Anne created a full intense programme to enable massive deep shifts of energy to happen, but the community empowered each other too. It is very hard to put into a few words how VERY grateful I am for Anne having created this programme. That has enabled me not only to clear blocks, release anger, grief, self doubt and punishment, as well as empowering me to live a life with inner peace, a love of my own body and an excitement for life, something I thought I had lots completely.”
Narinder S.

“I have worked with Anne before but can truly say this course was so empowering . I feel that finally I can take control of my life . Lots of things come up during the 6 weeks and it’s great to work through them and progress. It’s also so nice to be part of a group of women working towards empowerment.
Thank you Anne”

Louisa B.

“I really enjoyed the Cinderella Bootcamp experience. Feels like it went too quick. Having lost all my hair, it made me realise it’s not how I look that matters, it’s how I feel that makes me feel good about myself.”

Nandini T.

“The presentation and easy guide through the experience was great. Broken down chapter, by chapter. Made it easy to get through and was easy to understand.”
Monica M.

“I have worked with Anne before but can truly say this course was so empowering . I feel that finally I can take control of my life . Lots of things come up during these weeks and it’s great to work through them and progress. It’s also so nice to be part of a group of women working towards empowerment. Thank you Anne”

Harmeena D.

“A huge thank you Anne! So glad I decided to join the Cinderella Bootcamp. My outlook on life has most certainly shifted 😊

The bootcamp is a totally logical step by step process that takes you from wherever you are to a place of feeling empowered! Lots of tools and techniques for shifting your perspective for the better. Great support along the way and lots of bonuses to keep you on track. Can’t recommend Cinderella Bootcamp highly enough!” Anna x

Anna G.

“I didn’t have too much spare time when I decided to do this Bootcamp, but decided to do it anyway & just see how it went – I had been suffering from a few issues with relationships, work & health.

It was totally awesome – I feel I made some ground-breaking changes, which I am now working further on. Not very long into the course, things just started changing for me; Anne not only tells you how to shift blocks, but provides you with the tools to do so, so you can help yourself in the future. I loved being part of a group – everyone helps each other so much – it’s nice to belong to such a community & the FB page is still available.

I definitely needed this to put me back on track – as I had allowed myself to fall off! Thoroughly recommend this course. So far- I’m back onto my healthy eating ( I was previously bingeing); I’m an Actress & am working on a great project that means alot to me with my Agent; family relationships (which were awful) are better & I have only just met a wonderful guy – exciting stuff! Most importantly- I am finally loving myself & feeling a lot more content, & it’s s long time since I felt like that! Xxx”

Agnieszka P.

“When I first joined the Bootcamp, I didn’t really know what to expect. I am so glad I did it! I know I’m still way off where I want to be but I’m closer than where I was and I know I will get there with all the tools Anne has taught me.”
Sophia B.

“Prior to signing up for the Cinderella Bootcamp®. I had worked with Dr Anne Whitehouse many times on a one to one. We had worked in many areas of my life, from my self-worth of existing on this planet, through past lives and ancestry programmes, blocks and limitations, that clearly were having a huge effect of my very essence of being a human being, not least a female. As we dug deeper my resistance became more intense, a clear sign that something bigger needed shifting. I really was pushing hard to heal myself but in the wrong direction and from a place of self-punishment.

Attending the Cinderella Bootcamp® with other ladies was a powerful experience. Not only Had Anne created a full intense programme to enable massive deep shifts of energy to happen, but the community empowered each other too. It is very hard to put into a few words how VERY grateful I am for Anne having created this programme. That has enabled me not only to clear blocks, release anger, grief, self doubt and punishment, as well as empowering me to live a life with inner peace, a love of my own body and an excitement for life, something I thought I had lots completely.

My Cinderella moment has been at the age of 50, to have achieved professional dancer/teacher status with an international company. Something that as a five year old child, I was told, you are to fat, not good enough, will never achieve anything on life…..Now I really can shine and show the world whoI really am. I continue to use the tools that Anne delivered on the course as I now have a much bigger understanding of my true FULL potential in life. Much Love & Gratutide to You Anne. x”

Beth T.

“The Cinderella Bootcamp® has changed the way I view myself. It boosts my self confidence quite significantly and has let me love myself for the way I am and the way I look. I realized that a change is happening when I looked into a picture that my friend has just taken and for once in my life, I actually thought of myself looking good in that picture instead of seeing the flaws like I usually did before I took this bootcamp. On top of that, I started to get more attention and got myself several dates. This Cinderella Bootcamp® truly changes my level of self-worth and self-love. Recommending this to every girl out there who sometimes strive to be impossibly perfect while we need to accept that we are already perfect in our own ways.”
Eashaar D.

“Cinderella Bootcamp® has been the most wonderfully magical transformative, healing and empowering experience for me. I joined based on a recommendation so I didn’t really know what I was going in for. It has been so much more than I could have imagined. I often start courses but never finish them, I have made it through the whole way of Cinderella Bootcamp because it was so manageable. Every chapter provided easy-to-do practical tasks which enabled me to take action, to see where I had been negatively affecting my life and provided me with simple practical solutions to change my energy to the positive. I have come out feeling so much lighter and brighter, I have released so much anger, resentment and negativity – stuff that I didn’t even realise I had. Everytime I face a challenge, instead of disappearing into a vat of despair or self-loathing, I can take a step back and change how I react with the tools provided. I also cleared so much that what used to affect me, no longer does.

This course really has been life changing and I cannot thank Anne enough. Anne was so caring, supportive and patient throughout that it was reassuring to open up to bare and release the old wounds. The support of the group has been incredible as I have never really been one for posting in facebook groups but it has been a reassuring environment where we can help one another grow and shine brightly. Cinderella Bootcamp® really is a must for everyone, I feel like a different person and know that no problem is insurmountable. Anne really is the most amazing person.”

Amanda R.

“I went into the Cinderella Bootcamp thinking that it would help me to help my clients. What I found was that it helped me to help myself. It has been a difficult journey at times, and parts of it have been hard to do. During those times I have been supported, both by Anne and the other members of the group. I have learned that I can do so much more than I believed when I started the process. What I have found absolutely invaluable is finding my true self. I have learned to be brave, to be loving, to be kind, to be generous and to be daring. I have learned that I am powerful, and that I can use that power positively to help myself be the best self I can be. I am incredibly grateful that this course exists.
Thank you, Anne.”

Zoe C.

“I am currently on a 1 year intensive course at drama school in London. Last term in my end of term tutorial I was told that I was very good, but that at some point in my life I must have decided to ‘switch off’ my sensuality as I seemed quite androgenous. Then about a month into my second term I also started the Cinderella Bootcamp®. Initially I was quite shy, didn’t put my story on Facebook and listened to the calls on replay. What I loved was that there was no pressure, you did things in your own time. By the third call I found I wanted to experience it live, and then I found myself commenting on the Facebook page, before then adding my own posts. By the end I felt I had really become part of a supportive community and looked forward to the calls and getting to interact with others live. And as for my course…..I just had the second term tutorial and was told that I have rediscovered my sensuality so much it blew them away in my last scene study!! Thank you so much Anne, and everyone else on the bootcamp. I would highly recommend this course to anyone :o)”
Caroline P.

“It was an amazing, intensive adventure into self-discovery and self-empowerment. I loved the fact that it was online and interactive. All the group shared their stories and how they were using the tools to change their behaviour and attitude to be more positive. I now treat my body with kindness and respect rather than being my own worst critic!
The whole course was extremely colourful, vibrant and powerful. The tools are so easy to use as part of your daily lives but have shown to generate incredible shifts in people’s lives. I now love my body which is the first time in my life. Quite amazing changes in just eight weeks!”
Talvinder M.

“Dear Anne, I would like to say a huge thank you for the Cinderella Bootcamp that you made possible. It’s been challenging in many ways but so so rewarding. It really did highlight some stuck patterns to work through to get the results I desire. Can clearly see that after the Bootcamp things have shifted a lot already. It helped to clear the space and made the way for the love, wealth and happiness, new positive, happy thoughts, possibilities and adventures to enter. It’s an ungoing journey, and I’m so grateful that you’ve kept all the recordings on the website so I can go back to them at my own pace.
You’re a true diamond, thank you for all your help and support through this journey.
Sending a big heartfelt hug and much love your way xx
Ella M.

“A truly empowering experience, Anne’s amazing creation of Cinderella Bootcamp has been the icing on the cake in my self love journey it’s just the magic I have been looking for to strengthen my relationship with myself…now I’m equipped with the fantastic tools to conquer and manage life with ease and grace…I now feel like a much more sparkly and better version of myself ✨The Bootcamp was perfectly crafted into manageable chapters with full support along the whole way from Anne and all the lovely ladies…I am now officially going to the ball 🙌🏽✨
The most powerful transformation course anyone can ever take!
Why Cinderella Bootcamp®?
Because every lady deserves to go the ball! x”
Sarbjit M.

“Anne you are truly amazing and have started something in my heart and soul that I will always treasure.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the chance to let go of so much and move forward in a new and better way.
I know there is still much work to be done and it will take persistence and practice but your programme has shifted so much already I really can’t thankyou enough. You will never know how much this has meant to me so thankyou from the bottom of my heart for opening me up letting you and your boot camp into my life xxxx”
Penelope D.

“Thank you so much for the most amazing course, I really cannot express how grateful I am.  It has been the most amazing, transformative, healing and empowering experience. I have practical tools which I can use in daily life to face all problems when they happen. There is a positive in everything and nothing is the end of the world.  I cannot thank you enough from the bottom of my heart.  I feel like a different person and know that no problem is insurmountable.”
Marguerite L.

“My name is Faye and the universe brought me to Anne and this wonderful Bootcamp. I had a lot of baggage and negativity in my life that I couldn’t seem to ditch and along came Anne with an intensive Bootcamp that has turned my world upside down! I’ve released so much negativity and learned to love myself in a way I never have. My confidence has increased and I am learning and loving every part of me. The homework is sometimes challenging but anything worth doing is rarely easy and letting go of angst and years of negativity from an abusive marriage was not going to be straightforward! I’ve tried counselling and it never worked for me. It didn’t get to the crux of the problem whereas this Bootcamp has literally changed my life. I have let go of pain and resentment and I don’t believe all the horrible things I had shouted at me daily anymore. I am me and I am loved and I love myself and while I know this Bootcamp is just the start of my journey I know I now have the tools and healings to move forward in my life to attract love and abundance and I cannot thank Anne enough for releasing me from fear, anger, sadness and the feeling I wasn’t worth anything. I know I am on a wonderful journey and Anne is the catalyst that has set me on a new path for the rest of my life and I will forever be grateful.
Thank you Anne you are an angel.”
Faye xx
Faye L.

Here’s Everything That Will Be Yours When You Sign Up…

  • Cinderella Bootcamp® 8 week signature experience programme
    (value £5000)

and by investing today, you also receive…

  • BONUS 2:  Private Cinderella Bootcamp Facebook Support Group
    (value £597)
  • BONUS 3:  Deep Heart Healing MP3 recording (value £125)
  • BONUS 4:  Ultimate Stress-buster 14 day Video Inspirational Programme (value £297)
  • BONUS 5:  Releasing Past Trauma Meditation (value £125)




Because I really want to make this programme accessible to as many women as possible,

I’m offering the full signature package for:

Want to see if Cinderella Bootcamp is right for you?

 Book a no-obligation call with Anne and find out whether this is for you.

Are  you  ready  to  pull  back  your  power?

If so, just click the button below to enroll in Cinderella Bootcamp online experience programme, and you’ll receive everything I’ve just shared with you.

As soon as you’ve entered your information into our secure registration page and submit, then choose the payment option that works best for you….

Within a couple of minutes you’ll receive your login information for the Cinderella Bootcamp membership site, and you’ll get access to bonuses to get you started! 

I’ve seen so many women transcend their past and upbringing, and find their true power and brilliance.  I’d love you to join them.

I look forward to going with you on your journey towards true empowerment.

with love


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