by Anne Whitehouse | Oct 3, 2023 | Confidence, imposter syndrome, Mindset, Patriarchy, Women's Empowerment
Not All Men – The True Cost of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace How many times have you heard men say, when confronted by workplace sexual assault of women, something like ‘It’s not all men!’ As if that makes it less serious, or should make... by Anne Whitehouse | Mar 15, 2023 | Confidence, Uncategorized, Women's Empowerment
Ancient Powers For Modern Success The Fantasy Have you ever read a fantasy novel, and secretly wished you had the magical powers of a High Priestess, Sorceress or Magician and could transform any situation with a wave of your hand? Or maybe transmute it with violet... by Anne Whitehouse | Feb 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
The Real Cause of Women’s Stress and Burnout A Life Without Constant Stress? IMPOSSIBLE! For many high-achieving, mission-driven women, exhaustion can become so normal that we forget what energy feels like. How much money have you spent on trying to find that... by Anne Whitehouse | Feb 16, 2022 | Confidence, imposter syndrome, Women's Empowerment
Why Are We Still Talking About Male and Female Power? One thing I get asked a lot in my work is this — why am I still talking about male power and female power in respect of men and women when a) we all have a mixture of both, and b) we shouldn’t be tying particular... by Anne Whitehouse | Oct 5, 2021 | Confidence, Mindset, self-help, Women's Empowerment
Do Successful Women Lack Confidence? Many people feel that lacking confidence is something to be ashamed of! They believe the world thinks it means they are inadequate in some way. That this makes them intrinsically less than those who blithely push themselves...