Your Power Clearings
A powerful selection of my favourite clearings for empowerment and wellbeing…
These recordings are for your personal use only, and are
© Anne Whitehouse. Please do not share or distribute.

You are taking the first step to releasing limits, and realising your potential in life. All the resources on this page are designed to work with your subconscious mind and brainwaves to help you let go of old patterns, free yourself of blocks and move past old hurts and traumas.
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What are these clearings?
Over the last twenty years, I’ve specialised in freeing people from subconscious blocks, enabling them to move forwards, creating the lives they really want. I’ve trained in a number of powerful modalities, as well as developing unique clearing techniques of my own.
Here are a selection of my personal favourites (some using the sacred activations modality, and some my own exclusive techniques) which are designed to start your journey towards more power, more wellbeing, less stress and less anxiety.
By taking this step, and listening to these recordings, you are showing the universe that you are ready to release the past, and create new patterns for yourself and your life.
How to use these recordings…
These recordings are designed to work with your brainwaves, shifting your state of consciousness, and allowing blocked energies to be released, and old patterns lifted.
You may fall asleep while listening. This often happens and is usually a sign that you particularly need that recording. You will still receive the benefit if you sleep, although I do recommend that you listen again at a later date.
After you have listened to a recording, your mind will start to process and integrate the new programming. This may make you a bit tired, and old emotions may come up as your mind releases the old patterns. This is entirely normal.
Make sure you have time to relax when you won’t be disturbed. Turn off your phone and get comfortable. Have a blanket to hand.
It is important that you never listen to this recording while you are driving as it works with your brainwaves to relieve stress. and it will make you drowsy.
Giving & Receiving
Most women find it easy to give, give give, but when it comes to allowing themselves to receive, they really struggle. We are so conditioned to put ourselves last that we end up feeling guilty if we do anything for ourselves. This is a recipe for burnout! This clearing from the sacred activations modality releases these subconscious patterns and helps us to get the flow of energy balanced in our lives.
Giving & Receiving Healing
Fear of Your Own Power
Women have been suppressed, oppressed and held back for centuries by the patriarchal status quo. What is more, powerful women have been persecuted for many centuries. This has created deep-seated patterns where we hold ourselves back and hide our true power. When we are confronted with the potential to embrace our true power, this often triggers intense fears (although we may mistake them as fear of failure!) This clearing from the sacred activations modality helps to release those blocks enabling us to expand and blossom in our lives, our businesses, our careers and the world.
Fear Of Your Own Power
Playing It Small
This subconscious clearing goes brilliantly with ‘Fear of Your Own Power’. It will help you to expand your boundaries, move out of your comfort zone, and stop holding back.
These patterns of playing it small are often quite deep, so you will benefit from listening to this recording several times of a period of a few weeks.
Playing It Small
Overwhelm Deactivation
This clearing is one of my personal favourites. It is so easy for us to spiral down into stress, anxiety and burnout. Once there, it is hard to break that cycle. This clearing is designed to put you back in control, so you can think clearly, relax and get things in proportion.
Overwhelm Deactivation
Abundance Flow
This clearing is one of my favourites. The more stressed you get, the more you will get locked into negative patterns. This lowers the vibration of your mind and body, and this blocks the flow of positive energies in your life. Use this recording to raise your vibration, and counteract the effects of stress.
Abundance Flow Meditation
What ‘s the next step?
I’ve helped hundreds of women over the last two decades. If you have enjoyed these healings and clearings, and are ready to take your empowerment journey further, I invite you to join my membership “The Power Sanctuary”. This is an online empowerment club for women, where you receive monthly healings, and live coaching calls from me.
To find out more, just click the button below.
Hi, I’m Anne,
I’m an author, life alchemist, scientist and founder of Cinderella Bootcamp® and The Power Sanctuary. My mission is to help women to skyrocket their confidence, ditch self-doubt and learn how to overcome the unconscious bias, so they can shine and succeed in whatever they choose to do.