by Anne Whitehouse | Jul 4, 2019 | Confidence, Mindset, self-help, Stress release
Are You Hiding The Real You? Back when I was a university lecturer, and spiralling down into stress, burnout and illness, I thought I was on track with my life. I know it sounds ridiculous to say this in light of my wellbeing at the time, but I really thought so. I... by Anne Whitehouse | Apr 9, 2019 | Audio Healings, Confidence, Mindset, self-help, Stress release, Women's Empowerment
Release Fear Of Your Own Power: Audio Clearing We all have amazing and unique gifts, and the world needs us to step up and bring them to the world. The trouble is that women invariably struggle with the thought of shining, of outshining, and of standing out. Of... by Anne Whitehouse | Apr 3, 2019 | Confidence, Mindset
Confidence: The Secret Sauce? How many times have you thought or felt this when you see another women who looks confident, self-assured and assertive. “I want what she’s got!” How many times have you wished that could be you. But even as we have that thought, deep... by Anne Whitehouse | Apr 3, 2019 | Confidence, Mindset, Uncategorized
Regrets: How To Free Yourself To Move Forward REGRETS – we all have them – that incident that replays endlessly in your brain. But have you ever stopped to think how they undermine and sabotage your life? Quite simply they are the poison that blocks our progress on...